UK Newswire Archive
Launch of N30 strike website
22-11-2011 12:50

Radio 4 programme on squatting tonight
22-11-2011 12:16
8pm Radio 4 - Robert Elms on history & future of squattingDemonstrate Againt Koch Brothers
22-11-2011 11:14
Monday 28th is the opening day of the Durban Climate talks. Who's really responsible for blocking progress on a workable treaty for global action on climate ? More than anyone else its the American hard right and their big-money backers! Outside the offices of Koch International, Fountain House, 130 Fenchurch Street, City of London - Monument or Bank Tube. Demonstrate Against Koch Brothers.US cops 'inspired Egyptian brutality'
22-11-2011 06:32
SCENES of violent American police smashing up the Occupy Wall Street protest camp in New York inspired Egyptian state forces in their attack on the Tahrir Square occupation.NSAFC Report on @OccupyNotts 36 Days In
22-11-2011 05:04
Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts expresses its support for members of the community who are now more than a month in occupation of Nottingham's Market Square.
Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts expresses its support for members of the community who are now more than a month in occupation of Nottingham's Market Square. The dedicated and dynamic group of individuals are voicing their dissent to political corruption, state and police violence and corporate greed by creating and maintaining a communal space in which everyone is welcome as long as they respect camp guidelines. They employ the Occupy Movement's General Assembly model for consensus-based decision-making twice daily, and with a tidy tent camp and communal area with kitchen, tea/coffee corner, tech/chill room, patio table, fire extinguisher point and central oil drum for a nightly fire, are effectively demonstrating an alternative, eco-conscious community-oriented use of public space. The information table at the camp entrance is open from 8AM-8PM daily, with participants engaging in dialogue with members of the public about their reasons for occupation and exchanging information from NSAFC, Notts Uncut, Notts SOS and other local organizations in solidarity with the liberation movement around the world.
Like many other camps around the UK, the camp has been experiencing problems with fascist organizations like the EDL threatening them at night. Occupy Notts requests support in the form of more bodies at the camps overnight to prevent this kind of trouble. Along with them, we ask members of the local and student community to volunteer to visit the camp and especially to stay overnight or during an early morning shift; it would be greatly appreciated.
On Sunday, 20th Nov, the 36th day of Occupation, campers and city residents held a candlelight vigil in solidarity with Egyptian civilians in Tahrir Square who were attacked by and are currently engaged in a tense standoff with Egyptian armed forces. In doing so, they stood with people from all major cities in Egypt and other cities around the world against the violent repression being experienced by peaceful protestors from Oakland, Berkeley and Davis, California, to Atlanta, to New York, to Cairo.
During the vigil, campers shared their reflections: an American student noted that it is the US funding the Egyptian army and mentioned the familiar neo-colonial theme of the military vs. the people, while other campers spoke of the Spanish acampada movement and the more than 3,500 people who have been killed under the repressive regime in Syria. The group rallied around the reminder that it was the courageous and powerful actions of the people of Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the events of the Arab Spring which inspired the Occupy Movement sweeping the globe, while their own stories continue to unfold, outcomes yet to be known.
Click here for full article with links
Photography Advice and guidance
22-11-2011 02:55
In spite of assorted agreements with the police, officers continue to be obstructive to photogaphy in the street.
Although the trend of photographers getting hassle go's up and down over time, It has always been thus!
I intend to add guidance on this page to help make you more confident in your photography of actions and situations. suffice to say that photography in a public place is not an offence.
...... the static page being constructed will be continuously available at: Photography Advice and guidance
{this is a placeholder page ..... while i get the content sorted out}
Nottm Journalists campaign to save local broadcast
22-11-2011 00:55
BBC presenters step forward to save local broadcasting - public meeting in Nottingham
The meeting takes place at the New Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm.
Presenters from BBC TV and radio have joined a campaign to stop cuts local BBC services. They'll be speaking out at a public meeting later this month, which is designed to highlight the effects of the budget savings being proposed by BBC bosses.
BBC Radio Nottingham presenter John Holmes will be speaking at the meeting at the New Mechanics on North Sherwood Street on Wednesday 30th November. He will be joined by East Midlands Today Political Editor John Hess.
Kevin Stanley, National Union of Journalists rep at BBC Nottingham, said : "We're urging viewers and listeners to get actively involved in the campaign to protect local BBC services. Under the proposals, a quarter of staff at BBC Radio Nottingham could lose their jobs. This would mean fewer staff to report on local issues and hold decision makers to account."
The meeting is being supported by the National Union of Journalists, which is urging people to take part in the BBC Trust's consultation on the cuts.
Kevin Stanley added, "BBC managers say that core journalism will be protected after these cuts, but with one in four staff going, we fear that quality will suffer. The BBC Trust - which controls how the Licence Fee is spent - has the power to stop these cuts. But it will only happen with strong support from the public.
The proposals include :
A shared afternoon programme for Local Radio stations across the East Midlands, just one programme for the whole of England between 7pm and 10pm and less local programming at weekends.
A 40% cut to the budget of the regional BBC One current affairs show Inside Out.
Axing TV and radio journalists who cover the East Midlands for the BBC News Channel and Radios 4 and Five Live.
The meeting takes place at the New Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm.
People can also follow the campaign on Twitter @NoNottsBBCCuts.
National Union of Journalists
NUJ balloting members at the BBC
Mayweather Sets Fire to Capitalism
22-11-2011 00:21
An American fighter (Floyd Mayweather) caused trouble by burning up a 100 dollar note in Atlanta (USA). Compared to the "occupy" movement this act has more direct clout against capitalism than any one of his right crosses or left hooks.Occupy the Machine – Stop the 1%, Literally
21-11-2011 23:44
We invite you to imagine, as many of you already probably have, if thousands of people occupied local refineries, roads, ports, oil and mining extraction sites, etc. – in other words, imagine if people occupied the locations where the 1% destroy the land and exploit humans, all for profit.Bankers Rule - OK?
21-11-2011 22:34
The continued erosion of citizen democracy occurs on two levels. The first at the government level as demonstrated by the examples in Greece and Italy where non-elected figureheads have been imposed upon the citizens of these countries. The second level is over the brutal attacks upon the peaceful demonstrations against the current effects of the economic and financial crisis.UKBA office in Glasgow "dawn-raided"
21-11-2011 20:55
People from Unity and the No Borders Network are currently blockading the UK Border Agency reporting centre at Brand Street in Glasgow, shutting the vehicle entrance and preventing any ‘dawn raids’ that would have happened this morning. The blockaders are using a tripod to block the vehicle entrance and three demonstrators are locked to gates.
New Rising Tide International Political Statement
21-11-2011 20:48
Just in time for the 17th UNFCC Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durban, the international Rising Tide network is putting out an updated version of the Rising Tide Political Statement. This defines our view on a wide range of issues to do with climate change, and is what binds the network together. This statement has been agreed and signed by all Rising Tide groups around the world.Egypt: updates and live links
21-11-2011 19:23
EVENTS are moving rapidly in Egypt following the massive street uprising against the SCAF military regime and revulsion at the brutality meted out by the once-popular troops.We Are 0%
21-11-2011 19:14
The concept of 99% turned itself into the mass of tended-to-be-represented folks not different from former 100%-ers represented in “we are all humans” system - usually named as bourgeois democracy.We are outside from 100% of statistics based paneconomism which is deeply racist at its core.
We’re against oppression by plutocratic 1%-ers or that established by manipulative majority.
We are unmanageable multitude of selforganised zeros.

Victims Of Charity
21-11-2011 18:10
Animal Aid National Day Of Action on Charity shops that fund vivisection .Saturday 19th November.
Scathing Attack on Library Cuts from Former Head of Libraries
21-11-2011 17:38
John Dolan, the former head of Birmingham Libraries, attacked the council’s library cuts programme in a open letter published in the Birmingham Post.Defiant in Silence 'Stand In'
21-11-2011 16:56
Saturday 19th November 2011
People gathered for what I thought was to be a kinda silent vigil.
TODAY & growing each week, people of Nottingham will stand together by the Brian Clough statue in collective defiance of the current state of affairs. Furthermore, while using a practice employed in Squares across the world we will reclaim & reinvigorate Speakers' Corner. The silent 'STAND IN' begins at 2.30pm until 2.45. BE THERE.
(Send this text to your family, friends & EVERYONE! Talk about it & publish on social media!)
However, it didn't work and we weren't very silent. We ended up playing pass the parcel, I Spy and a had a bit of a Hokky Kokky!!
Still, the thought was there ..... and if it does grow, am sure we will try and be a bit more disciplined ....... or not!
Continuing in my collection of characters that can be found in Nottingham of a Saturday afternoon, joining in with cuts demos or the occupation ...... This time was got Pudsey the Bear who joined us for support. I have to ask .... whatever next?
Characters I've met during Cuts & Occupy Campaigns
A Declaration
We the undersigned, "Citizens of the City of Nottingham", do hereby declare to whom it may concern, that it is our intention to reside permanently on wht we believe is our land, known as "the Old Market Square", until the majority of the Citizens of Great Britain do give notice by referendum, parish poll, election or similar, that the financial crisis 2009 - 2011 has been solved to the satisfaction of the majority of the Citizens of Great Britain.
Signed on this day 19 November 2011
In the syle of Martin Luther, this was put on the Council House doors, asking for action
Pinning of the Declaration
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Why has the Occupy Movement failed ?
21-11-2011 16:37
As the worldwide Occupy Movement begins to come to an end now is the time to analyse why a movement that started with so much hope in the end failed to achieve any of its aims.Palestine Today 11 21 2011
21-11-2011 15:16