UK Newswire Archive
The Red and Black Umbrella: New squatted social centre for Cardiff
21-11-2011 14:13

The flyer reads: "You may have noticed we've moved into the old Tredegar Hotel [on Clifton Street], so we thought we'd introduce ourselves. We are the Red and Black Umbrella Collective and intend on turning the abandoned pub into a social centre. We believe people should come before profit. We are sick of government cuts that affect us while MPs and bankers get richer. David Cameron wanted a big society and we're going to give him one. We are currently renovating the pub and want to provide a cultural hub for the local community..."
scottish corrupt justice system
21-11-2011 13:26

Pinning of the Declaration
21-11-2011 12:55
We the Citizens of the City of Nottingham pin our declaration to the Council House.
A Declaration
We the undersigned, "Citizens of the City of Nottingham", do hereby declare to whom it may concern, that it is our intention to reside permanently on wht we believe is our land, known as "the Old Market Square", until the majority of the Citizens of Great Britain do give notice by referendum, parish poll, election or similar, that the financial crisis 2009 - 2011 has been solved to the satisfaction of the majority of the Citizens of Great Britain.
Signed on this day 19 November 2011
Nov 28: Solidarity action at court for the Cardiff Occupiers
21-11-2011 12:02
Two of those arrested at the Castle occupation in Cardiff on 11 November are up in court on Monday 28 November. Come to the court and show your solidarity.OCCUPY UC DAVIS - Scenes of nonviolent resistance to in the face pepper spraying
21-11-2011 11:24
*Stills, Vid & Interview following pepper spray of students at Occupy U.C. Davis, Cal/USA
**U.C. Davis Vice Chancellor gets the silent treatment during her walk of shame. Students are calling for her to resign

Hancock 38 Put Drone Warfare on Trial in New York, USA
21-11-2011 10:38
This 8 minute video is about the recent trial of the Hancock 38 in Syracue, New York.The 38 activists were arrested at the Hancock base in opposition to the drone warfare conducted from there. A similar base is coming to Britain in the near future
Here is the link.

PSC and LFOP presents a night of Palestinian performance poetry and discussion o
21-11-2011 09:33
PSC and Liverpool Friends of Palestine present the Remi Kenazi UK tour!23 November · 19:00 - 22:00
University of Liverpool, The Courtyard, Student's Union (Guild)
PSC and Liverpool Friends of Palestine are very excited to welcome Palestinian-American radical performance poet Remi Kenazi to Liverpool for one night only!
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog
21-11-2011 08:55
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog:
He'll try and make it weekly.
This week's post includes the prison gossip on the Pakistani Cricketer Celebrity Prisoners!
Egypt today
21-11-2011 00:58
As the military dictatorship tries to consolidate power and people continue to be horrificly tortured to death in detention (eg Essam Atta), large numbers reconverge on Tahrir Square and are violently attacked by the security forcesMiners Strike Audio
21-11-2011 00:55
Dave Douglass spoke on the history of the 1984/5 miners strike at The Space Project in Leeds (see event details). Dave Douglass is an ex-miner, working class militant and union organiser. As an NUM branch delegate since 1979, Dave has been involved in many campaigns most notably the 1984 miners strike. Throughout that time he has been a member of Class War and the IWW, as well as having written a number of books, most recently "Ghost Dancer" on his experiences of militancy in the coal fields of Durham and Yorkshire.
He beginning with previous strike action then discusses the reasons behind the Conservative government strategy. The government stockpiled coal, put pressure on newspapers, developed state apparatus to crush the strike, and stoked fault-lines in the Nottingham mines. The miners legally picketed and were met with brutal police actions. The strike almost became a more general strike with rail workers and docker refusing to deliver and load coal but most importantly the mine engineers almost joined the strike. The role of the Women Against The Pit Closers group and other wives and supporters groups.
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog
21-11-2011 00:25
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog:
He'll try and make it weekly.
This week's post includes the prison gossip on the Pakistani Cricketer Celebrity Prisoners!
Occupy Cardiff is Back! Get on down there.
20-11-2011 23:58

So I diverted a bit on my journey back up north and spent a few hours this afternoon at the new Occupy Cardiff site outside the Unite/PCS union offices, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11.
mark thomas at bank of ideas
20-11-2011 22:55
mark thomas played a one hour benefit to a packed room tonight at the newly occupied 'bank of ideas' building in the city
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
his set included some material about the banks and the occupation movement, but mainly consisted of anecdotes and readings from three of his excellent books, "as used on the famous nelson mandela" about the arms trade, "extreme rambling" about his attempt to walk both sides of the entire length of the israeli-palestine wall, and "the people's manifesto" a collection of ideas to improve the country, some serious and many comedic.
one of my personal favourites from the manifesto book is that everyone who takes an internal short haul flight should be made to walk back.
the crowd tonight, a couple of hundred people filling the conference room, loved the manifesto idea of a maximum wage based on ten times the average wage. in this utopian world, shop stewards going to their manager asking for a pay cut would be pleaded with to take a rise instead.
the 'bank of ideas' was accessed on thursday night and is legally secured for now, with tens of thousands of square feet available for local groups to use.
a hackney youth club that lost its funding has already been invited into the space, and other groups facing cuts will be accomodated.
New Anarchist Initiative Launches in Tyneside
20-11-2011 22:06
New Anarchist Initiative Launchesthe axe carrying fascist greek minister of transportation, infrastructures and n
20-11-2011 21:25

Protest Outside the Disabled Rights UK Conference: 22 November
20-11-2011 19:17
Tuesday 22 November 2011, from 10amTaylor Wessing, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW
On Tuesday 22nd November Disability Alliance will be hosting a conference on disability and poverty at the offices of Taylor Wessing, New Street Square, London.
The City of London: a cost / benefit analysis of the moral and economic cancer a
20-11-2011 18:27
Whilst not even having a positive impact on the UK economy, let alone society, the City of London places British people at the centre of an international network of tax havens which facilitates the harsh realities that the majority of people in this world have to live with everyday. Just as we banned slavery, we have another opportunity to change the world for the better right on our doorstep, we just have to take it.25th Nov John Holloway talks in Brighton
20-11-2011 17:52

John is also talking the day before up at the University of Sussex.
That talk is entitled 'Rage Against the Rule of Money'