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Miners Strike Audio (nab) | 21.11.2011 00:55

Dave Douglass spoke on the history of the 1984/5 miners strike at The Space Project in Leeds (see event details).  Dave Douglass is an ex-miner, working class militant and union organiser. As an NUM branch delegate since 1979, Dave has been involved in many campaigns most notably the 1984 miners strike. Throughout that time he has been a member of Class War and the IWW, as well as having written a number of books, most recently "Ghost Dancer" on his experiences of militancy in the coal fields of Durham and Yorkshire.

He beginning with previous strike action then discusses the reasons behind the Conservative government strategy.  The government stockpiled coal, put pressure on newspapers, developed state apparatus to crush the strike, and stoked fault-lines in the Nottingham mines.  The miners legally picketed and were met with brutal police actions.  The strike almost became a more general strike with rail workers and docker refusing to deliver and load coal but most importantly the mine engineers almost joined the strike.  The role of the Women Against The Pit Closers group and other wives and supporters groups. (nab)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: