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Leaked government plans for NHS privatisation

marker at indymedia dot org (marker) | 22.11.2011 12:55

Leaked government document shows how the privatisation of the Narional Health Service for England and Wales is to be completed.

NHS watchers will be well aware that piecemeal privatisations have been going on for many years now. It started with the catering and cleaning being tendered out to contractors, then there was the switch to using PFI rather than publicly owned buildings. As marketisation accelerated under the last "labour" government, private hospitals were given preferential treatment and allowed to cherry-pick the easiest, most lucrative surgical work. A performance management and outcomes measurement culture has been introduced that systematically favours high-tech patented treatments rather than training and employing good clinical staff.

Yesterday, the government's plans to complete the privatisation process were leaked, in draft form. Now we can all see what they have planned: a system that places the needs of big medical corporations above the health needs of the population and us as individuals.

Did anyone need another reason to support the strike on 30th November?

marker at indymedia dot org (marker)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: