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Black Flag 234 released and 233 set free

Black Flag | 23.11.2011 17:35 | Analysis | Culture | History

A bit belatedly, Black Flag would like to announce the free online release of issue 233 of the magazine, along with our customary teaser article for the most recent issue - the one we need you to buy to keep us printing!

In the May issue of 2011 we picked up on the student protests and interviewed the recently reformed Atari Teenage Riot, while Iain McKay predicted (correctly) that neoliberal consensus and attempts to suck up to international markets through attacks on the working class would do little to bring growth or stability, alongside history, our regular Breathing Utopia column on how our jobs might change "post-revolution," reviews and more.

And in the teaser article for issue 234 Jack Ray, recently returned from Spain, talks about the Indignados movement there. It's a timely article, as Spain's right-wing government beds in with little electoral mandate, but a whole lot of attitude...


Cover story: The anti-cuts spread
Overview: Anarchists and the London riots
Analysis: The anti-cuts movement
Interview: An Italian anarchist talks about the healthcare battles of USI
Analysis: Spain’s Indignados
Breathing Utopia: What would change in graphic design, post-revolution?
Report: London Design Week
History: The Invergordon mutiny
History: Stuart Christie on the Spanish Civil War for its 75th anniversary
Radical Reprint: James Guillaume
Theory: Exploring mandates
History: The Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation


Review: Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle
Review: The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik Government
Review: A Critique of State Socialism
Hob’s Choice: The best of radical pamphlets from the last six months
Review replies: Stair of the SPGB and writer Trevor Bark take up our standing offer and clear up any issues from previous issues

Black Flag is stocked in radical bookshops across the UK and available from AK Distribution and Active Distro. The editorial address is Black Flag, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. Each issue costs £3 + £1 p&p. UK cheques payable 'Black Flag'.

Alternatively, you can buy online at

Email blackflagmag AT for more information

Black Flag