McKiegate - judicial coverup in Scotland
d | 16.02.2007 16:13 | Analysis | Technology
Back in 1997, Shirlie McKie, a Scottish cop, was stitched up by fingerprint experts at the Scottish Criminal Records Office. They mistakenly identified her print at a murder scene she hadn't visited. Then they criminally tried to cover up their errors. Eventually unanimous evidence from 171 foreign fingerprint experts cleared her, but many were initially warned off the case by the FBI who feared it would damage their Lockerbie show trial of Libyan agents. Scottish ministers - who have known the facts for 6 years - refused to have a public enquiry. Noone has been charged with the initial murder and none of the fingerprint experts face disciplinary charges let alone criminal charges for their criminal coverup.
Shirlie McKie was able to clear her name partly because she was a cop with an unblemished record, the daughter of a cop with an unblemished record. However, when the SCRO are caught faking evidence and covering it up in one case, it is fair to assume this isn't an isolated case.
The reason for the McKie coverup is stop the Scottish judicial system being discredited - to help keep covering up the Lockerbie bombing.
Shirlie McKie was able to clear her name partly because she was a cop with an unblemished record, the daughter of a cop with an unblemished record. However, when the SCRO are caught faking evidence and covering it up in one case, it is fair to assume this isn't an isolated case.
The reason for the McKie coverup is stop the Scottish judicial system being discredited - to help keep covering up the Lockerbie bombing.
The Libyan agent, Abdel Baset Al Megrahi, scapegoated for Lockerbie is undoubtedly innocent of the bombing, a fact widely recognised in Scotland. An unnamed Scottish police chief has testified that the CIA planted the fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting Al Megrahi.
'Impartial' experts surrounding the trial have since been found to be MI6 and CIA agents.
Reports of heroin finds in the wreckage were widely reported but never brought to the court. The CIA seemingly facilitated heroin smuggling on these commercial flights, and one of the unchecked heroin cases was the location of the Lockerbie bomb. It was probably planted by a small Syrian terrorist outfit for a cash reward from Iran in revenge for the US shooting down an Iranian airliner. At that time the US was courting both Syria and Iran to support its first Iraqi debacle, while Libya opposed the invasion. Now the official enemies have changed we may yet see Al Megrahi being cleared in a few months. What is less likely is that the corrupt Scottish judicial system is brought to book for its politically motivated stitch-ups.
Although there were official enquiries and numerous recommendations made to make SCRO 'effective and efficient' the experts and their supervisors, including Police and Crown Office, continued to maintain that they were right in their identification and that it was merely 'a matter of opinion..' The truth was suppressed and experts were threatened with disciplinary action if they discussed the case. One expert Allan Bayle at New Scotland Yard was forced from his job because he insisted on speaking up in Shirley's defence.
The reliability of a key witness, Alan Feraday, has been called into question. In three separate cases men against whom Mr Feraday gave evidence have now had their convictions overturned. After the first case, which took place seven years before the Lockerbie trial, the Lord Chief Justice said Mr Feraday should not be allowed to present himself as an expert in the field of electronics.
Professor Andrew Fulton has been asked to stand down as deputy director of the Lockerbie Trial Briefing Unit (LTBU) at Glasgow University. The unit provides "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial of the two Libyans accused of the bombing, which resumes in the Netherlands on Tuesday. Prof. Fulton, a visiting professor at Glasgow's school of law, has given briefings to the media at Camp Zeist, where the trial is taking place. But it has been reported that he worked for MI6 during a 30-year career with the Foreign Office which saw postings around the world. He was included on a list of MI6 officers published on the internet last year by a disaffected agent.
The Lockerbie trial was meant to end the saga of Pan Am flight 103. But it didn't take into account the wads of US dollars, or the heroin, or the Hizbullah T-shirt found in the wreckage. As the man convicted of the bombing prepares to appeal, John Ashton and Ian Ferguson argue that there has been a top-level cover-up
On October 30, 1990, NBC-TV News reported that "PanAm flights from Frankfurt, including 103, had been used a number of times by the DEA as part of its undercover operation to fly informants and suitcases of heroin into Detroit...Informants would put [suit]cases of heroin on the PanAm flights apparently without the usual security checks, through an arrangement between the DEA and German authorities."
In particular, the CIA drug smuggling activities in Afghanistan are centered on Christian fundamentalist groups, including "aviation ministries," that operated various CIA money laundering fronts in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala during the contra wars.Some of the CIA contractor "Christian" aviation missionary fronts active in the Afghan drug smuggling operations, including one based in Dallas, have been linked in the past to Pat Robertson's 700 Club's Operation Blessing.
did libya really destroy pan am 13 or was it a coverup?
'Impartial' experts surrounding the trial have since been found to be MI6 and CIA agents.
Reports of heroin finds in the wreckage were widely reported but never brought to the court. The CIA seemingly facilitated heroin smuggling on these commercial flights, and one of the unchecked heroin cases was the location of the Lockerbie bomb. It was probably planted by a small Syrian terrorist outfit for a cash reward from Iran in revenge for the US shooting down an Iranian airliner. At that time the US was courting both Syria and Iran to support its first Iraqi debacle, while Libya opposed the invasion. Now the official enemies have changed we may yet see Al Megrahi being cleared in a few months. What is less likely is that the corrupt Scottish judicial system is brought to book for its politically motivated stitch-ups.
Although there were official enquiries and numerous recommendations made to make SCRO 'effective and efficient' the experts and their supervisors, including Police and Crown Office, continued to maintain that they were right in their identification and that it was merely 'a matter of opinion..' The truth was suppressed and experts were threatened with disciplinary action if they discussed the case. One expert Allan Bayle at New Scotland Yard was forced from his job because he insisted on speaking up in Shirley's defence.
The reliability of a key witness, Alan Feraday, has been called into question. In three separate cases men against whom Mr Feraday gave evidence have now had their convictions overturned. After the first case, which took place seven years before the Lockerbie trial, the Lord Chief Justice said Mr Feraday should not be allowed to present himself as an expert in the field of electronics.
Professor Andrew Fulton has been asked to stand down as deputy director of the Lockerbie Trial Briefing Unit (LTBU) at Glasgow University. The unit provides "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial of the two Libyans accused of the bombing, which resumes in the Netherlands on Tuesday. Prof. Fulton, a visiting professor at Glasgow's school of law, has given briefings to the media at Camp Zeist, where the trial is taking place. But it has been reported that he worked for MI6 during a 30-year career with the Foreign Office which saw postings around the world. He was included on a list of MI6 officers published on the internet last year by a disaffected agent.
The Lockerbie trial was meant to end the saga of Pan Am flight 103. But it didn't take into account the wads of US dollars, or the heroin, or the Hizbullah T-shirt found in the wreckage. As the man convicted of the bombing prepares to appeal, John Ashton and Ian Ferguson argue that there has been a top-level cover-up
On October 30, 1990, NBC-TV News reported that "PanAm flights from Frankfurt, including 103, had been used a number of times by the DEA as part of its undercover operation to fly informants and suitcases of heroin into Detroit...Informants would put [suit]cases of heroin on the PanAm flights apparently without the usual security checks, through an arrangement between the DEA and German authorities."
In particular, the CIA drug smuggling activities in Afghanistan are centered on Christian fundamentalist groups, including "aviation ministries," that operated various CIA money laundering fronts in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala during the contra wars.Some of the CIA contractor "Christian" aviation missionary fronts active in the Afghan drug smuggling operations, including one based in Dallas, have been linked in the past to Pat Robertson's 700 Club's Operation Blessing.

did libya really destroy pan am 13 or was it a coverup?

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