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Greenpeace Wins UK Nuclear Victory

reposted | 16.02.2007 19:43 | Ecology

A top British judge struck a blow at Prime Minister Tony Blair's plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations on Thursday, calling the government's consultation on nuclear power "inadequate" and "wrong."

High Court judge Jeremy Sullivan handed a legal victory to environmental
group Greenpeace, which had argued that the consultation carried out by
the government before it decided to back new nuclear power stations was
"legally flawed."

Agreeing with Greenpeace, judge Sullivan said the consultation process
had been "clearly and radically wrong."

"The 2006 consultation document contained no information of any substance
on any of the issues identified as being of crucial importance," Sullivan said.
"It was not merely inadequate but it was also misleading."

"The full economic and environmental costs, as well as the security risk, need
to be taken into account," he said.

The opposition Conservatives said the ruling had shown the government was
"fundamentally deceitful" and that it had no intention of consulting widely on
nuclear power.

