Punks and "Rioting scumbags"
Anarchist | 20.08.2011 14:10 | August Riots
Last weekend's North London Punx Picnic was cancelled because the "anarcho-punks" organizing it were scared they'd clash with "scumbag" rioters! We wouldn't want politics getting in the way of a good piss -up would we? Incredibly, had it taken place, the event was supposed to be a benefit for prisoners!
Full statement from the "anarcho-punks" here: http://actforfreedomnow.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/statement-from-the-north-london-pux-picnic-collective-09th-august-2011london-uk/
Full statement from the "anarcho-punks" here: http://actforfreedomnow.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/statement-from-the-north-london-pux-picnic-collective-09th-august-2011london-uk/
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