Organized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. Occupy Wall St.
Lloyd Hart | 19.02.2012 15:12 | Occupy Everywhere | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Cambridge
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.
Organized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. OWS
By Lloyd Hart
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing. When Gandhi convinced hundreds of thousands to participate in sustained, organized non-violent civil disobedience the objective was to blockade the economy from the ruling elite's. It worked over and over again but once again this is not what OWS is doing nor is it what the general assembly supports. I have been calling for organized non-violent civil disobedience from the beginning of OWS, to block traffic, the life blood of the economy but the general assembly has rejected this tactic for vanity protests and grand standing that does nothing to further the cause of working people in America. If you don't cut of the profits to the 1% you have no negotiating leverage. Gandhi created nothing but negotiating leverage.
Guidelines For Non-Violent Civil Disobedient Traffic Blocking.
The other most important thing is when you conduct wide spread non-violent civil disobedience you need a set of demands that can be brought to the negotiating table with the powers that be but OWS chickened out of this process because the general assembly has been completely infiltrated by liberals and libertarians. So, nothing real will ever come from the general assembly except the total squandering of close to a million dollars in donations and all of OWS's public support. The public has been voting for wet rags for decades they don't want to support more wet rags in OWS.
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement!
People like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook are fomenting a civil war inside the protest movement that has risen as a result of the economic conditions being deliberately forced on working people when they should be cutting through all the bullshit and going out and participating in organized non-violent civil disobedience to blockade the economy to force real negotiations on a set of real demands. Until I see these play by play commentators like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook get arrested so many times conducting organized non-violent civil disobedience to blockade the economy that the example spreads like wild fire I will see them as nothing but infiltrators. Otherwise people like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook are simply capitalizing on these protests for the benefit of their own cult of personality.
It is my suggestion that OWS and the general assembly be abandoned and that activists should put all their efforts into organized non-violent civil disobedient traffic blocking to blockade the economy from the ruling elite's. This is the only way to force negotiations with the ruling elite's. Anything else is just liberal bullshit.
By Lloyd Hart
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing. When Gandhi convinced hundreds of thousands to participate in sustained, organized non-violent civil disobedience the objective was to blockade the economy from the ruling elite's. It worked over and over again but once again this is not what OWS is doing nor is it what the general assembly supports. I have been calling for organized non-violent civil disobedience from the beginning of OWS, to block traffic, the life blood of the economy but the general assembly has rejected this tactic for vanity protests and grand standing that does nothing to further the cause of working people in America. If you don't cut of the profits to the 1% you have no negotiating leverage. Gandhi created nothing but negotiating leverage.
Guidelines For Non-Violent Civil Disobedient Traffic Blocking.

The other most important thing is when you conduct wide spread non-violent civil disobedience you need a set of demands that can be brought to the negotiating table with the powers that be but OWS chickened out of this process because the general assembly has been completely infiltrated by liberals and libertarians. So, nothing real will ever come from the general assembly except the total squandering of close to a million dollars in donations and all of OWS's public support. The public has been voting for wet rags for decades they don't want to support more wet rags in OWS.
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement!

People like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook are fomenting a civil war inside the protest movement that has risen as a result of the economic conditions being deliberately forced on working people when they should be cutting through all the bullshit and going out and participating in organized non-violent civil disobedience to blockade the economy to force real negotiations on a set of real demands. Until I see these play by play commentators like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook get arrested so many times conducting organized non-violent civil disobedience to blockade the economy that the example spreads like wild fire I will see them as nothing but infiltrators. Otherwise people like Chris Hedges and Stephanie Van Hook are simply capitalizing on these protests for the benefit of their own cult of personality.
It is my suggestion that OWS and the general assembly be abandoned and that activists should put all their efforts into organized non-violent civil disobedient traffic blocking to blockade the economy from the ruling elite's. This is the only way to force negotiations with the ruling elite's. Anything else is just liberal bullshit.
Lloyd Hart
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