Send email to US senators:maintain right to aobrtion!
pro choice | 18.09.2005 12:00 | Gender
it's really important to oppose judge Roberts as nominee for chief supreme court US. he is a severe threat to womens(and other human) rights, especially the right to abortion.
please do this! it doesnt take much time
please do this! it doesnt take much time
Send email to US senators: maintain right to abortion!(it costs little
time. via url under this statement you can send emails with one press of
the button.)
De hearings of the Senat in the US with John G.Roberts, Bushes nominee as
chief supreme court, are taking place these days.
Womens organisations opppose Roberts, cause its known that het is against
So its very important that feminists and folks who value the right to
abortion send email to the senators.
Roberts is not only a danger for the right to abortion. He allso has made
statements against positive discrimination of women and minorities,
against privacyprotection according to restrictions of police authorities
and he was against forbidding prayer at schools.
most of these opinions he gave as a lawyer or as an advisor. (not as a
private opinion).
if you click this url, and after that click on take action you can mail to
US senators. its an international action.
time. via url under this statement you can send emails with one press of
the button.)
De hearings of the Senat in the US with John G.Roberts, Bushes nominee as
chief supreme court, are taking place these days.
Womens organisations opppose Roberts, cause its known that het is against
So its very important that feminists and folks who value the right to
abortion send email to the senators.
Roberts is not only a danger for the right to abortion. He allso has made
statements against positive discrimination of women and minorities,
against privacyprotection according to restrictions of police authorities
and he was against forbidding prayer at schools.
most of these opinions he gave as a lawyer or as an advisor. (not as a
private opinion).
if you click this url, and after that click on take action you can mail to
US senators. its an international action.

pro choice
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