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Planning for European Day of Actions for Migrant Rights

(posted by richarddirecttv) | 14.01.2005 11:14 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | London | Oxford

January 20th - London meeting to plan for 2nd April Euro Day of Actions for Migrant Rights

At 7pm Thursday January 20th at the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), 61 Old Street, London EC1U 9HW. Nearest Underground stations Old Street or Barbican, buses 55 and 243 stop outside.

The meeting is to discuss what can be done to make a success of the Second European Day Of Action for Migrant Rights called for 2nd April 2005 at the Assembly of the Social Movements on the last day of the European Social Forum held in London last October.

Last year on January 31st there was a first such Day of Actions called from the previous ESF in Paris: there were 50 or more actions across Europe, of which some nine were in the UK. The latter were small, those in southern Europe larger some involving thousands of migrants. Two actions we know of already that are planned for 2nd April: a demonstration in Scotland called by Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, and an action(s)in the North-West/Manchester (contact the regional office of the National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns).

For action(s) in London and the South, it is important to involve
organisations of migrants and relevant trade unions.

Copies of the relevant paragraph about the Day of Action for Migrant Rights
in the statement issued at the end of the ESF will be available at the

If you have general proposals for action but can't come to the meeting, I will take them to the meeting if you email them to me.


Bill MacKeith
Barbed Wire Britain Network to End Refugee and Migrant Detention

(posted by richarddirecttv)
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