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WSIS video project

transmitter | 10.11.2003 12:28 | WSIS 2003 | Culture | Globalisation | Technology

WSIS? We seize is an initiative for tactical, grassroots, activist and community media actions and discussions in and around the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Dec 10-12. The High Noon project is calling for videoclips to include in their stream.


A World revolution in form of a netcast for three days. Spin round independent media activism and community media projects across the globe.
The idea of HIGH NOON is to seek the direct confrontation with the official summit program on a virtual level. Instead of or in addition to local protests and activities in Geneva during the days of the actual summit we are trying find out about new ways of protest that are in fact based on the autonomy of the struggles all around the world, and not just quoting them as something that happens remotely.

The aim is to find images and narratives that run through the local and therefor may constitute a notion of the global, that is no longer a synonym for overexploitation and hypermisery, but a social potential, as the experience of enormous creativity of the multiplicity and diversity of all creative and productive practices.
The idea of HIGH NOON is to cast a net around the globe that explores and presents, researches and provides access to a thousands of independent and community media activities all over the world.
HIGH NOON consists of a grid of parallels and meridians that are based on timezones. Each mesh opens up a new time-window which subscribes to a global netcast. This netcast then moves hour by hour from region to region. It is fed with the reports, interventions and contributions by local activists, where ever they might stay in that moment, either in geneva at home or on the way.

HIGH NOON depends on an as strict as equal conceptual framework, which is driven by a database with an interactive interface that allows the upload and download of all sorts of material: live footage, videostreams, audioprograms, text messages, and even objects.
The database should be filled starting in october. During the WSIS from december 10 to 12, we will create an output of what has been collected so far in form of a 24-hours, three-day continuous live stream that is mixed from the up to that date uploaded material. But the project will make sense beyond this and may easily turn out as a syndicated archive of new media activism.
HIGH NOON can be projected and picked up in many contexts in Geneva but also in various other places and at different occasions.
