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Hiroshima and Nagasaki- A Vigil of Remembrance in Cambridge

repost by manos | 05.08.2005 20:01 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge | World


In common with peace groups all over the world, Cambridge will be marking next Sunday-the Sunday nearest to August 6th when an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, with a simple act of remembrance.

At 8.30.p.m. we will be gathering on Midsummer Common between the Fort St.George and Victoria Avenue Bridge. Lanterns like those floated on the river on August 6th every year in Hiroshima , will be provided and there will be some for you to assemble yourselves.

A period of silence will be kept.

All are welcome

Sixty years ago, on August 6th 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on the centre of Hiroshima . Three days later a bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Some 220,000 people were killed and many more endured the effects of radiation which often lead to great suffering and, for some, being excluded from society.

As these survivors ,the Hibakusha, age and die, it is important that the witness their lives still make to what happened 60 years ago is not forgotten.

The mayor of Cambridge, Co. John Hipkin, is this year representing our city in Hiroshima with the 'Mayors for Peace' initiative.

repost by manos