Summer Simultaneous Policy newsletter published
Mike Brady | 05.08.2005 18:55 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles
International Simultaneous Policy Organisation newsletter now available on-line at

ISPO Newsletters
SUMMER 2005 (available to download at
Editorial - Brian Wills
Once again there is really encouraging news to share! This time it is the signing of the SP pledge by 38 candidates and 10 MPs during the 2005 general election in the UK. Read John Bunzl’s article recording successes with “SP’s novel voting strategy”.
In advance of the Policy Forum on corporate law reform to be organized by Simpol-UK in central London on Friday 14 October 2005, you will find out why Patrick Andrews’ description of the issues involved is titled, appropriately, “From Exploitation to Sustainability”.
And note the link between the lead article about the G8 meeting in July by Mike Brady and Richard Lawson’s correspondence with Bill Rammell, MP.
These letters are particularly relevant to a recent newspaper headline which said: Blair told: act now on climate. They are a timely example of how individual action by Adopters can bring the benefits of the SP process to the attention of decision-makers at the heart of government – in this instance concerning action on climate change through the adoption of Contraction and Convergence policy measures.
For what it’s worth, it’s interesting to note an Adopter’s letter has achieved the response: “Please be assured that your views will be forwarded to 10 Downing Street for the attention of the Prime Minister”. The coming weeks will reveal whether informed comment from SP read in the corridors of power has in fact been heeded!
Can the G8 Satisfy the Demands of Global Justice Campaigners? Mike Brady.
From Exploitation to Sustainability via Corporate Law Reform. Patrick Andrews.
The UK General Election 2005: A Proving Ground for SP’s Novel Voting Strategy. John Bunzl.
Exchange of Letters with Bill Rammell, MP, about Contraction and Convergence (C&C) Policy Measures. Richard Lawson.
Letter to the Editor: Peak Oil. Rory Short.
Adopters’ Groups
News Briefs: Presentations/Published articles/Blogging exchanges/Links/Public awareness survey
SUMMER 2005 (available to download at

Editorial - Brian Wills
Once again there is really encouraging news to share! This time it is the signing of the SP pledge by 38 candidates and 10 MPs during the 2005 general election in the UK. Read John Bunzl’s article recording successes with “SP’s novel voting strategy”.
In advance of the Policy Forum on corporate law reform to be organized by Simpol-UK in central London on Friday 14 October 2005, you will find out why Patrick Andrews’ description of the issues involved is titled, appropriately, “From Exploitation to Sustainability”.
And note the link between the lead article about the G8 meeting in July by Mike Brady and Richard Lawson’s correspondence with Bill Rammell, MP.
These letters are particularly relevant to a recent newspaper headline which said: Blair told: act now on climate. They are a timely example of how individual action by Adopters can bring the benefits of the SP process to the attention of decision-makers at the heart of government – in this instance concerning action on climate change through the adoption of Contraction and Convergence policy measures.
For what it’s worth, it’s interesting to note an Adopter’s letter has achieved the response: “Please be assured that your views will be forwarded to 10 Downing Street for the attention of the Prime Minister”. The coming weeks will reveal whether informed comment from SP read in the corridors of power has in fact been heeded!
Can the G8 Satisfy the Demands of Global Justice Campaigners? Mike Brady.
From Exploitation to Sustainability via Corporate Law Reform. Patrick Andrews.
The UK General Election 2005: A Proving Ground for SP’s Novel Voting Strategy. John Bunzl.
Exchange of Letters with Bill Rammell, MP, about Contraction and Convergence (C&C) Policy Measures. Richard Lawson.
Letter to the Editor: Peak Oil. Rory Short.
Adopters’ Groups
News Briefs: Presentations/Published articles/Blogging exchanges/Links/Public awareness survey
Mike Brady