UK Newswire Archive
06-05-2005 17:55
Block the Builders blockade at Aldermaston nuclear baseSchNEWS in READING THIS WEEK!
06-05-2005 17:32
HAVE I GOT SchNEWS FOR YOU!The SchNEWS tour comes to Reading THIS WEEK....!
Date: Friday 13th May
May Day Events In Brum
06-05-2005 17:30
A report on 3 days of events celebrating May Day in Birmingham, 2005.INVITATION TO THE DEVONPORT DISARMAMENT CAMP 19-22 MAY AND BASE BLOCKADE 20 MAY!
06-05-2005 16:27
Some thoughts on Galloway, Paxman, Keys in the UK election spectacle
06-05-2005 15:41
Thoughts on the UK election-night media spectacle, with specific reference to Jeremy Paxman's interview with George Galloway, the Galloway victory in an east London constituency, and the candidacy of Reg Keys against Tony Blair in Sedgefield. (As posted to uk.politics.misc and other Usenet newsgroups).ROAD ALERT- Next anti roads and Runways meeting
06-05-2005 14:45
Next Anti roads and Runways Meeting: May 7th, 10:30 AMThe SUMAC Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX. 08454 589595
Galloway in Bethnal Green and Bow
06-05-2005 14:34
Regardless of your views on George Galloway's election to Bethnal Green and Bow last night, the interview conducted by Jeremy Paxman demonstrated positive discrimination at its worst, and for that Paxman deserves to lose his job.Leeds Day of Dissent @ the Common Place 14th May
06-05-2005 14:18
People in Leeds are organising and will be going to Scotland
The 2005 General Election
06-05-2005 12:43
There have long been governments resting on a minority of the electorate, but so long as turnout overall remained reasonably high, politicians could dismiss those who did not vote and not have to worry about their democratic legitimacy. But when six out of 10 young people do not vote, as well as, first indications suggest nearly one-third of women over 55 - traditionally the most civic-minded - then the alarm bells ring.RESIST G8 // 4th South East Assembly // Saturday 7th MAY
06-05-2005 12:37
RESIST G8 // 4th South East AssemblySaturday 7th May, 2005
Venue: Room 3E >> 3rd Floor >> University of London Union
>> Malet Street >> London WC1
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Cold Wind Greets Full-Blooded Murderer Blair's Phyrric Victory
06-05-2005 10:38
British election outcome presages change. The old is being swept out, and the winds of change could be beginning to sweep across the wilderness to change the times(Jerry .Dammers et al. & B.Dylan).Pedagogy of Naivity
06-05-2005 10:35
In recent years, America seems to have entered a bizarre twilight zone. What is this strange and powerful opium of the people? God only knows.Who Stole The Poll? Jack's Back With 20,000 Postal Votes In His Sack
06-05-2005 10:31
From dodgy dossiers to dodgy ballots...Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, has been re-elected with a reduced majority amid warnings of widespread electoral fraud in his Blackburn constituency.
At a public meeting in the town's cathedral, the Liberal Democrat and Conservative candidates accused the Foreign Secretary's supporters of rigging ballots to keep Labour in power.
Wave at Bush and Blair people with your left hand!
06-05-2005 10:18
It is extremely impolite to offer the left hand for a hand shake or to wave a greeting as this implies rubbing the "unhygienic residue" of the left hand on the person being waved to. So when one sees unpleasant people...Why Us? An Israeli Accademic's view of the Boycott.
06-05-2005 08:48
A boycott decision, like that passed by Britain's Association of University Teachers to boycott two Israeli universities, naturally raises a hue and cry among Israelis. Why us? And why now, "just when negotiations with the Palestinians might be renewed"?Tomorrow - Direct Action Affinity Group Training - proposed timetable
06-05-2005 06:40
Proposed timetable for tomorrow's direct action training for DSEI and G8.Tony Blair alone bears the blame
06-05-2005 05:34
the sensible thing is for Labour to kick out Blair.**Warsaw Mayday** Haymarket Martyrs Street Theatre+Food Not Bombs
06-05-2005 01:48
Below is a link to a story from IMC Poland re the Praga (working class and immigrant district on the East side of the river Wisla) Anarchist Federation actions on Mayday. English langauage account below.Funeral for Civil Liberties at Lancaster May Day
06-05-2005 00:13
05-05-2005 23:49