Jason Pickett | 07.05.2005 14:43 | Culture | Indymedia | Social Struggles
Australian Government Welfare Agency, Centrelink, caught out falsifying documents & withholding vital evidence in Court Cases - Documented proof on website same Government Department wants SHUT DOWN
Threatened with Legal Action For Offesive Website Against The Commonwealth
Dear Mr Pickett
Offensive Website
We act for the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by Centrelink. We have been instructed by our client to write to you concerning a webpage for which we understand you are responsible.
The website in question is located at the website HYPERLINK "" The webpage on that website, as at 4 May 2005 and, we understand, at other times, displayed the Centrelink protected name and protected symbol (as those terms are defined in the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Regulations).
As you are well aware, this website is not the official website of Centrelink. The website infringes the intellectual property of the Commonwealth, it breaches copyright and the use of the “Centrelink” name and logo was unauthorised and breaches the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997. The content of the webpage was false and offensive and may infringe other rights of the Commonwealth or breach other legislation.
We have contacted, the organisation based in the US which our investigations revealed hosted the website, and brought the matter to their attention.
Whilst you may wish to exercise your right to express your opinion, the Commonwealth does not accept that you may do so in the manner illustrated by the offensive webpage. Accordingly, Centrelink requires that you take immediate steps to remove the webpage from public access and that you do not again publish the webpage, or any webpage that:
is substantially similar to the offending webpage;
uses the Centrelink name or logo;
breaches Centrelink’s trademark rights or copyright; or
could in any way be interpreted as an official or authorised Centrelink website.
Centrelink takes this matter very seriously and is considering its position in relation to any action that it might wish to take in relation to the publication on the internet of the offending website. Centrelink, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, reserves exercising or pursuing any or all of its rights.
Please contact the writer by return email or telephone on the numbers provided below should you have any questions about this letter.
Yours faithfully
Michael Will
(02) 6263 6349
My Response
Dear Mr Will,
As you are well aware, my website does NOT claim to be an "Official Centrelink Website",
it never has & never will.
You will also be well aware that my website claims to be a "Public" site , as CLEARLY stated, "Centreflunk a PUBLIC Complaints Page - Showcasing Centrelink Flunks".
You will also be aware that "My Symbol" is nothing like yours what- so-ever, i.e.,
My Symbol is a guy hiding things behind his back -
Your symbol represents the letters C E & I, found in Centrelink -
The colors used in mine are completely different to yours -
The style of font used in mine is completely different to yours -
The length of my symbols right arm is longer than your C -
My symbol also has a cancerous growth on his right arm -
The head on my symbol is flat on the bottom, representing his neck, yours is perfectly oval shaped, representing the dotted i.
My symbol uses the word "Centreflunk" not Centrelink.
As you can see, my symbol is my design & is nothing like yours.
You should also be aware that this same Government Department has banned me from entering any of its branches under "The Public Order (Protection of Persons & Property) Act, 1971". Therefore, they are PUBLIC property.
This is a PUBLIC Government department & all I am doing on my site is making THE PUBLIC aware of what this PUBLIC Department are doing to me, the PUBLIC!
I do believe my site is doing the community a service, nothing more.
Centrelink have humiliated me, but they will NOT intimidate me.
My website is there for the PUBLIC, & will remain there until I am made by a FEDERAL COURT JUDGE to take it off, NOT by the same Government Department that my website clearly shows has lied, falsified & withheld papers from the same Federal Courts.
So may I suggest that yous do take legal action to get this site shut down, & with a bit of luck, we might get the same judge that you's lied to before.
You also say that the content of the site was FALSE, SORRY, I DO NOT AGREE!
As you can see, my site only states & shows what I have FOUND in MY file. It SHOWS that Centrelink have lied & falsified documents.
So if you are saying these are FALSE, well then it is obvious you are saying that the documents FOUND in MY file are FALSE.
PLEASE take me too court, as I feel this is the only way these matters will NOW get the "PROPER JUSTICE" they deserve, as this time around, I have most of the "MISSING FORMS" that were kept from the DPP & I have the FALSIFIED document that was handed onto the DPP, I also have the document which shows I have been CLEARLY DEFAMED by Centrelink & also many other documents from CENTRELINK proving one department of Centrelink doesn't talk with another department of Centrelink, resulting in MANY lies & cover ups.
As these are SERIOUS matters, on advice from the FEDERAL POLICE, I am sending all files and information that I have, for them to look into, & have asked that Centrelink Staff not only be sack, but GAOLED as well.
You should also be aware, that at the end of the day, I've got nothing to loose, because of Centrelinks "ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL" actions, I have already lost the following,
a 5yr relationship, my home, my job, my car, my dignity & now my health is deteriorating ALL thanx to CENTRELINK.
I have suffered stress induced insomnia, & now my doctor is telling me that I am suffering from chronic depression, ALL this is the result of CENTRELINKs actions!
Enough is Enough.
Please take me to Court.
Jason Pickett
Concerned Australian Citizen
Dear Mr Pickett
Offensive Website
We act for the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by Centrelink. We have been instructed by our client to write to you concerning a webpage for which we understand you are responsible.
The website in question is located at the website HYPERLINK "

As you are well aware, this website is not the official website of Centrelink. The website infringes the intellectual property of the Commonwealth, it breaches copyright and the use of the “Centrelink” name and logo was unauthorised and breaches the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997. The content of the webpage was false and offensive and may infringe other rights of the Commonwealth or breach other legislation.
We have contacted, the organisation based in the US which our investigations revealed hosted the website, and brought the matter to their attention.
Whilst you may wish to exercise your right to express your opinion, the Commonwealth does not accept that you may do so in the manner illustrated by the offensive webpage. Accordingly, Centrelink requires that you take immediate steps to remove the webpage from public access and that you do not again publish the webpage, or any webpage that:
is substantially similar to the offending webpage;
uses the Centrelink name or logo;
breaches Centrelink’s trademark rights or copyright; or
could in any way be interpreted as an official or authorised Centrelink website.
Centrelink takes this matter very seriously and is considering its position in relation to any action that it might wish to take in relation to the publication on the internet of the offending website. Centrelink, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, reserves exercising or pursuing any or all of its rights.
Please contact the writer by return email or telephone on the numbers provided below should you have any questions about this letter.
Yours faithfully
Michael Will
(02) 6263 6349

My Response
Dear Mr Will,
As you are well aware, my website does NOT claim to be an "Official Centrelink Website",
it never has & never will.
You will also be well aware that my website claims to be a "Public" site , as CLEARLY stated, "Centreflunk a PUBLIC Complaints Page - Showcasing Centrelink Flunks".
You will also be aware that "My Symbol" is nothing like yours what- so-ever, i.e.,
My Symbol is a guy hiding things behind his back -
Your symbol represents the letters C E & I, found in Centrelink -
The colors used in mine are completely different to yours -
The style of font used in mine is completely different to yours -
The length of my symbols right arm is longer than your C -
My symbol also has a cancerous growth on his right arm -
The head on my symbol is flat on the bottom, representing his neck, yours is perfectly oval shaped, representing the dotted i.
My symbol uses the word "Centreflunk" not Centrelink.
As you can see, my symbol is my design & is nothing like yours.
You should also be aware that this same Government Department has banned me from entering any of its branches under "The Public Order (Protection of Persons & Property) Act, 1971". Therefore, they are PUBLIC property.
This is a PUBLIC Government department & all I am doing on my site is making THE PUBLIC aware of what this PUBLIC Department are doing to me, the PUBLIC!
I do believe my site is doing the community a service, nothing more.
Centrelink have humiliated me, but they will NOT intimidate me.
My website is there for the PUBLIC, & will remain there until I am made by a FEDERAL COURT JUDGE to take it off, NOT by the same Government Department that my website clearly shows has lied, falsified & withheld papers from the same Federal Courts.
So may I suggest that yous do take legal action to get this site shut down, & with a bit of luck, we might get the same judge that you's lied to before.
You also say that the content of the site was FALSE, SORRY, I DO NOT AGREE!
As you can see, my site only states & shows what I have FOUND in MY file. It SHOWS that Centrelink have lied & falsified documents.
So if you are saying these are FALSE, well then it is obvious you are saying that the documents FOUND in MY file are FALSE.
PLEASE take me too court, as I feel this is the only way these matters will NOW get the "PROPER JUSTICE" they deserve, as this time around, I have most of the "MISSING FORMS" that were kept from the DPP & I have the FALSIFIED document that was handed onto the DPP, I also have the document which shows I have been CLEARLY DEFAMED by Centrelink & also many other documents from CENTRELINK proving one department of Centrelink doesn't talk with another department of Centrelink, resulting in MANY lies & cover ups.
As these are SERIOUS matters, on advice from the FEDERAL POLICE, I am sending all files and information that I have, for them to look into, & have asked that Centrelink Staff not only be sack, but GAOLED as well.
You should also be aware, that at the end of the day, I've got nothing to loose, because of Centrelinks "ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL" actions, I have already lost the following,
a 5yr relationship, my home, my job, my car, my dignity & now my health is deteriorating ALL thanx to CENTRELINK.
I have suffered stress induced insomnia, & now my doctor is telling me that I am suffering from chronic depression, ALL this is the result of CENTRELINKs actions!
Enough is Enough.
Please take me to Court.
Jason Pickett
Concerned Australian Citizen
Jason Pickett