Today the EDL took to the streets in Newcastle. In the run up to this, the SWP banned anyone who raised the possibility of employing a diverse range of tactics from attending the 'Newcastle unites against fascism' planning meetings and banned and deleted their comments over facebook. They also threatened that anyone who was deemed aggressive would be seized by their stewards and happened over to the police. What happened today was worse.
Having appointed themselves protest monitors, they decided to take action against anyone who wished to protest independently of them by grassing on them to the police. As a consequence a group of peaceful activists were kettled, handcuffed and then in one case literally dragged along the ground into a police van. The police actually stated that they had been informed by the march organisers, that they were banned from the police approved SWP march as they were troublemakers, hence their arrest. What an underhand, disgusting thing to do.
The SWP have further provided themselves to be authoritarian ideologues. They are just as bad as the EDL.
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