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George Monbiot comments on Great Global Warming Swindle

Colin Revell | 09.03.2007 15:34 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Globalisation | World

PASSAGE TAKEN FROM:- Species of Denial, 30/1/067....

Documentary on Channel 4 last night (Thursday 8/3/07)..... Did anyone else wtach it??

What did you think?

In this documentary the scientists where trying to blame the 'far-left' group for infiltrating the 'Enviromenatl 'Green' Movement', for a 'voice', after the collaspe of the 'Iron-Curtan'....

Any more information with links of discussions and dialogues in reaction to this documentary would be very welcome.

........Some chance. A company called WAG TV is currently completing a 90-minute documentary for Channel 4 called “The Great Global Warming Swindle”. Manmade climate change, the channel tells us, is “a lie … the biggest scam of modern times. The truth is that Global Warming is a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry: created by fanatically anti-industrial environmentalists; supported by scientists peddling scare stories to chase funding; and propped up by complicit politicians and the media. ... The fact is that CO2 has no proven link to global temperatures … solar activity is far more likely to be the culprit.”(10)

So it’s the same old conspiracy theory that we’ve been hearing from the denial industry for the past ten years, and it carries as much scientific weight as the contention that the Twin Towers were brought down by missiles. The programme’s thesis revolves around the deniers’ favourite canard: that the “hockey-stick graph” showing rising global temperatures is based on a statistical mistake made in a paper by the scientists Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes(11). What it will not be showing is that their results have now been repeated several times by other scientists using different statistical methods(12); that the paper claiming to have exposed the mistake has been comprehensively debunked(13) and that the lines of evidence used by Mann, Bradley and Hughes are just a few among hundreds demonstrating that 20th century temperatures were anomalous.

The decision to commission this programme seems even odder when you discover who is making it. In 1997, the director, Martin Durkin, produced a very similar series for Channel 4 called “Against Nature”, which also maintained that global warming was a scam dreamt up by environmentalists. It was riddled with hilarious scientific howlers. More damagingly, the only way in which Durkin could sustain his thesis was to deceive the people he interviewed and to edit their answers to change their meaning. Following complaints by his interviewees, the Independent Television Commission found that “the views of the four complainants, as made clear to the interviewer, had been distorted by selective editing” and that they had been “misled as to the content and purpose of the programmes when they agreed to take part.”(14) Channel 4 was obliged to broadcast one of the most humiliating primetime apologies it has ever made. Are institutional memories really so short?

So now the whole weary business of pointing out that the evidence against manmade climate change is sparse and unable to withstand critical scrutiny while the evidence in favour is overwhelming and repeatedly confirmed must begin all over again. How often do scientists have to remind the media that a handful of cherry-picked studies does not amount to the refutation of an entire discipline?......

Colin Revell


Display the following 9 comments

  1. Details of the 'Independent experts' from the film — Phil
  2. modern times — santerre
  3. So What — M Durkin
  4. advertising — unnecessary
  5. Tom & Paul say it well, Channel 4: — A Concerned Citizen
  6. Lead author of IPCC report's response to the film — Rebecca Lush
  7. Watch the programme before commenting on it — Paul Matthews
  8. Typical Lazy Monbiot — hardtruth
  9. On cherry-picking studies — Dan Myers