UK Newswire Archive
Nottingham Animal Rights - March 2011
28-02-2011 03:37
Thanks to all who supported the Black Fish benefit gig at Sumac on Friday 26th March which raised £260.
The Black Fish is a European based conservation organisation that takes action on the issues of whaling, industrial fishing and marine animals in captivity. Using investigation and intervention, The Black Fish has set out on a mission to change attitudes towards our precious oceans and work to protect the unique life within them.
Read on for more events.
Nottm Campaigns - March 2011
Friday 4th March 2011 to Sunday 13th March
Protest the 'Great' British Circus - opening dates for 2011 tour - Newark
Details from
Also Friday 4th
3-5pm - Harlan demo - Contact 07703 031667
Sat 5th
Sabbing - usual routine and contacts.
GBC demo 1:15pm
- Transport from Nottingham 12:15 @ the royal children or 12:00 @ lions
- Contact: 07815 640988
Tues 8th
7pm - League Against Cruel Sports East Midlands Group meeting @ fellows morton and clayton
Thurs 10th
6:45pm - Mcleafleting at Clumber St - Contact 07703 031667
7:30 - Nottingham Animal Rights meeting - Sumac
Friday.11th to Sunday13th March
Almost immediately after the meeting we will be heading off to the National Animal Rights Spring Gathering, a weekend of networking, workshops, discussions, actions and social activities hosted by the 1 in 12 Club in Bradford.
Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest
28-02-2011 03:37
Saturday 26th February
After the successful occupation of Natwest Bank by people as part of Notts UK Uncut campaign, ultimately forcing it to close early, people moved on to the Vodafone store in Clumber Street, Nottingham.
After the successful occupation of Natwest Bank by people as part of Notts UK Uncut campaign, ultimately forcing it to close early, people moved on to the Vodafone store in Clumber Street, Nottingham.
This was the latest in a series of many such visits, by people wanting to point out that the cuts to public services, stand in starck contrast to the tax evasions of some large corporations.
Staff have become wise to the methods of protestors, and on arriving a few seconds before the demonstators, I saw a 'spotter' stationed near the doorway, and alerting staff to close the shutters, on sighting the first signs of the group. However, a couple of smartly dress protesters fooled these arrangements, getting in before the shutters closed. They then exibited signs and slogans in their window, much to the amazement of passers-by.
Vodafone "not paying their taxes" Demo
Anti Cuts, Corporate Tax & Student Fees Demo video
UK Uncut
Notts SOS
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Richard Stallman free talk in Brighton March 8th
28-02-2011 03:23
Richard Stallman – hacker, founder of the Free Software Movement, activist and theorist for civil rights in the digital age – will be doing a short speaking tour of England in March, speaking in Brighton on March 8th.For the rest of the tour see

Behind the Arab Revolt is a Word We Dare Not Speak
27-02-2011 23:23
"As the Washington historian William Blum has documented, since 1945, the US has destroyed or subverted more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and used mass murderers like Suharto, Mobutu and Pinochet to dominate by proxy. In the Middle East, every dictatorship and pseudo-monarchy has been sustained by America. In “Operation Cyclone”, the CIA and MI6 secretly fostered and bank-rolled Islamic extremism. The object was to smash or deter nationalism and democracy. The victims of this western state terrorism have been mostly Muslims. The courageous people gunned down last week in Bahrain and Libya, the latter a “priority UK market”, according to Britain’s official arms “procurers”, join those children blown to bits in Gaza by the latest American F-16 aircraft.
"The revolt in the Arab world is not merely against a resident dictator but a worldwide economic tyranny designed by the US Treasury and imposed by the US Agency for International Development, the IMF and World Bank, which have ensured that rich countries like Egypt are reduced to vast sweatshops, with half the population earning less than $2 a day. The people’s triumph in Cairo was the first blow against what Benito Mussolini called corporatism, a word that appears in his definition of fascism"
now read on:
Scottish Solidarity with North Africa
27-02-2011 22:22
Ever since the first Arab uprisings in Tunisia people in Scotland have taken to the streets to show their support and solidarity for the people in North Africa, the most recent demonstration being Saturday 26th February 2011.
Cowardly Cotswold Vale Hunt thugs in Vicious Attack
27-02-2011 19:54
Members of Bristol, Bath and South Wales Hunt Saboteurs were attacked by members of the Cotswold Vale farmers hunt on Saturday. The latest in a long line of attacks by this vicious, cruel hunt.Bristol Colombia Solidarity Request; Help! environmental researcher was 'disappeared'
27-02-2011 19:27
Peak Trouble: Navigating the Chaos
27-02-2011 19:12

Free Talk - 2nd March - Watching the watchers, the Surveillance State Exposed
27-02-2011 18:17
Presentation at Keynes Hall, Kings College Weds 2nd March on the surveillance state and how to fight itUK Govt. to sell 'broken banks' shares to Qatar
27-02-2011 16:22
The BBC is reporting that the UK tax payers shares in RBS and Lloyd's are about to be sold off to the Qatar Royal Family.
Activists and Thug bouncers at The Den
27-02-2011 15:22
ACTIVIST EVENTS AND THUG BOUNCERS AT THE DENLast weekend Saturday at a benefit night for 'Child Victims of War', at the Den night club on corn street, an unknown woman was attacked by Bouncers and arrested by Cops for alleged drunk and disorderly, after being refused back into the venue where her belongings and friends were, following on from that night a member from the organising collective berated the woman!?!?! for questioning such harrasment. The said activist, when the woman was being arrested exclaimed she's 'Greek', to concerned punters who tried to see what was going on. as if to imply something more sinister and imperialist. Alongside this a number of people were thrown out for reasons unknown to them and us, One man happened to be a big issue seller, and even though he'd paid the 4 quid entry he was bustled out by 2 bouncers without him causing any problems at all, within 5 minutes of stepping through the door, clearly and act of prejudice. Also this is not the first time incidents of this nature have happened at the Den, previously for a benefit 'Against The Arms Trade', a number of people were dragged out of the venue for apparently no reason other then enjoying themselves. One poor punter was dragged out by the throat, arms and legs, just for taking his top off as he was hot, without much resisance from punter or collective organisers.
A number of people from around the scene are really really pissed off at the inaction of said collectives, and without even comment from them, it seems as if they are happy with these incidents, is it due to the venue being so central, we wonder???? Rather than giving a shit about the people, and the communites these peolpe come from- it is all well and good to raise money in solidarity with people suffering from oppression on the otherside of the globe, but if solidarity is not practiced in our streets, halls, venues regardless of/and in opposition to injustiice we face here, then what is the point in any solidarity at all. The fact of the matter is it seems that the said 'activist' is only to happy to work alongside very questionable individuals 'within the club circuit' and that such lack of care for people who are around the scene is disgusting... The fact that this venue is in the Friday/Saturday night hot spot of Corn Street, should be no excuse. If people are coming to support a good cause, the least the organisers can do is provide alteranitive security or ditch the venue all together....
We call on activists, and people in general to boycott the Thugs and Gangsters, at The Den, we can no longer, and should no longer stand for this kind of crap.......from within and outside of our community....
Critical Mass London, February 2011
27-02-2011 14:26
Some impressions of February's critical mass ride: video and short report
Corking went reasonably well this time, there was some toing and froing about the route, but we went from Waterloo towards Bloomsbury, down New Oxford Street, stopping outside the shut off Tottenham Ct Road, down Oxford st for a little bit, turning back on ourselves through the side streets, cutting back to the upper part of Tottenham Ct Road. Down Euston Rd, into Regents Park, cycling around in the park, splitting up, getting the group back together down to Camden Town. Blocking a crossing, lifting bikes and ringing bells (some indie kid called us "weirdos" and chucked a plastic bottle...what a fashion victim). then down towards St Pancras station, down Judd Street and round and round the roundabout at Grenville Street. which is when I left! I'll post links to more complete reports when I find them.
If you want to join us:
we meet every last Friday of the month underneath Waterloo Bridge on the Southbank at 6.30pm.
Anti-Cuts Space London
27-02-2011 14:26
The building at 11 Bedford Square has been set up as the Anti-Cuts Space London. The building belongs to Royal Holloway, and some of us are Royal Holloway students; but we don't want this to be an occupation organised around demands made on our education institutions. We want the occupied space to be a convergence centre available to all anti-cuts activists in London.
There are 4 large meeting rooms, and several break out rooms, spread over 5 floors. And two balconies.
It's just behind the British Museum:
If you've had difficulty finding somewhere to organise and are looking for space, write to us and we'll see what we can do. If you want to give a talk, facilitate a discussion: write to us! We already have a provisional schedule, and we want to be adding to it all the time.
Contact us at:
Twitter: @anticutsspace
Provisional schedule for the next few days
3-5pm Anti-Cuts activist meeting
7pm Dinner and Films
10am Banner making for Camden demo
12am Open Birkbeck meeting
1pm Mass flyering of Bloomsbury campuses
2pm Mass flyering of militant workplaces
4pm Hecklers' gathering and practice session for Camden demo
5pm Bloomsbury college trade unionists meet anti-cuts activists
Strange business of councillor’s care links
27-02-2011 14:20
Some interesting revelations about a West Sussex Tory councillor from the latest issue of The Porkbolter, Worthing's number one pig-themed alternative news source....The tide of media disinformation: First Egypt, next Venezuela?
27-02-2011 11:26

Such arguments follow a pattern in the corporate media of slandering the Chavez government and the revolutionary process it leads.
They aim to conceal the real threat that haunts imperialism: that the Arab world may follow the example of Venezuela and other countries in Latin America — and break away from Western hegemony.
Watch this film: The Debt Crisis as Just Another Story - Challenging the Need for Cuts
27-02-2011 11:22
Mass anti-cuts protest - Swindon - Sat March 5th
27-02-2011 10:49