Fur shops in Oslo under attack
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront | 15.03.2008 22:15 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | World
"The Norwegian ALF, Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront, has claimed responsibility for several actions against fur shops in Oslo this year. Other groups of anonymous activists have also taken action against almost every fur shop in Oslo."
Summary: 15 attacks at fur shops, some of which were return visits, and 1 home visit at an owner of a fur shop. Is Oslo going to be the new Stockholm for the ALF?
Summary: 15 attacks at fur shops, some of which were return visits, and 1 home visit at an owner of a fur shop. Is Oslo going to be the new Stockholm for the ALF?
reported by activists in Norway:
Some of the reported actions (translation):
- 4th March:
Anti-fur activists cover two fur shops in Oslo with loads of paint.
- 2nd March:
Two fur shops in Oslo had locks glued.
- 1st March:
A fur shop in Oslo get its windows broken by anonymous activists.
- 29th February:
One fur shop in Oslo has locks glued while another one gets locks glued
and slogans spraypainted all over its front.
- 11th February:
Anonymous activists smashed all windows at a fur shop in Oslo, only a few
days after the windows had been replaced after previous actions.
- 9th February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront claims actions against two fur shops in Oslo.
Both shops have slogans painted on windows, using etching fluid.
- 2nd February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront claims actions against three fur shops in Oslo.
One shop has all its windows smashed, one gets red paint poured all over
its front as well as locks glued. Another fur shop gets all its windows
- 1st of February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront visited the home of the owner of
the fur shop Atelier Henry Philip. Activists poured red paint at his front
door, glued his front door lock, they spraypainted slogans on visible
walls around his house and they poured paint at his car, spraypainted it
and smashed all its windows.
The same night DFF-aktivists visited his fur shop in Oslo. The fur shop
had all its windows etched with slogans.
ALF actions in Norway, 2007
Fur farm feed truck is destroyed:
Action reports:
Related action
Whaling ship sunk closes business:
Whaling ship sunk by Agenda 21:
Further information:
March ALF Articles
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/03/393707.html (13th)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/03/393020.html (5th)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/03/392640.html (1st)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/02/392477.html (Feb)
UK: ALF Spraypaint Slogans Against Oxford Uni
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/03/392641.html (3rd)

Some of the reported actions (translation):
- 4th March:
Anti-fur activists cover two fur shops in Oslo with loads of paint.
- 2nd March:
Two fur shops in Oslo had locks glued.
- 1st March:
A fur shop in Oslo get its windows broken by anonymous activists.
- 29th February:
One fur shop in Oslo has locks glued while another one gets locks glued
and slogans spraypainted all over its front.
- 11th February:
Anonymous activists smashed all windows at a fur shop in Oslo, only a few
days after the windows had been replaced after previous actions.
- 9th February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront claims actions against two fur shops in Oslo.
Both shops have slogans painted on windows, using etching fluid.
- 2nd February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront claims actions against three fur shops in Oslo.
One shop has all its windows smashed, one gets red paint poured all over
its front as well as locks glued. Another fur shop gets all its windows
- 1st of February:
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront visited the home of the owner of
the fur shop Atelier Henry Philip. Activists poured red paint at his front
door, glued his front door lock, they spraypainted slogans on visible
walls around his house and they poured paint at his car, spraypainted it
and smashed all its windows.
The same night DFF-aktivists visited his fur shop in Oslo. The fur shop
had all its windows etched with slogans.
ALF actions in Norway, 2007
Fur farm feed truck is destroyed:

Action reports:

Related action
Whaling ship sunk closes business:

Whaling ship sunk by Agenda 21:

Further information:



March ALF Articles

UK: ALF Spraypaint Slogans Against Oxford Uni

Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront