Essential Macedonia
giorgio | 27.08.2001 07:54
Essential Eyes is an independent and not military mission.
To help to understand what's happening in Macedonia.
Not to "collect" any informations about the situation.
But about a direct contact with people living there.
To help to understand what's happening in Macedonia.
Not to "collect" any informations about the situation.
But about a direct contact with people living there.
Media (press, international press and television, newspapers too) all media
is speaking, talking, about blasts and military operations in Macedonia.
About military forces, weapons, soldiers, tanks, and something like that.
This information is only entertainment.
A pastime, a distraction.
This information is too much simple, incorrect.
For people that want to feel sicure, safe, inside
your expensive houses or cars.
Daily life is very different for "ordinary" people.
Europe and Nato have sent to Macedonia military force.
European people may sent to Macedonia others people,
not military ones, to share words and emotions,
to look inside one others eyes.
This operation, "Essential Eyes", should be an operation to open
a channel of comunication between daily people, ordinary people.
From Europe to Macedonia. From Macedonia to Europe.
Not to collect weapons but to share the difficulty to live daily.
"Essential Eyes" is an operation of speaking and communicate about
daily life.
May this help.
May this work too.
Hope to see you at Padova or online!
Independent Meeting at Padova (Italy)
"Essential Macedonia"
August, 29, 2001
16.00 - 22.00
Via S. Giovanni da Verdara, 139
(Comboniani's House)
There is no program
I don't know who will come
There is only a room, a date.
Nothing else.
But it's a good opportunity to talk about Macedonia.
To find an independent way to talk about the situation.
To talk about independent "operations".
"Essential Eyes"
A new and important "operation".
Something very different from the Nato's "Essential Harvest".
Essential Eyes is an independent and not military mission.
To help to understand what's happening in Macedonia.
Not to "collect" any informations about the situation.
But about a direct contact with people living there.
This meeting is looking for people to create a network of words,
emotions and informations from Macedonia to over the world.
To share, if someone could find one, a way
(not a military way) to help macedonian people.
is speaking, talking, about blasts and military operations in Macedonia.
About military forces, weapons, soldiers, tanks, and something like that.
This information is only entertainment.
A pastime, a distraction.
This information is too much simple, incorrect.
For people that want to feel sicure, safe, inside
your expensive houses or cars.
Daily life is very different for "ordinary" people.
Europe and Nato have sent to Macedonia military force.
European people may sent to Macedonia others people,
not military ones, to share words and emotions,
to look inside one others eyes.
This operation, "Essential Eyes", should be an operation to open
a channel of comunication between daily people, ordinary people.
From Europe to Macedonia. From Macedonia to Europe.
Not to collect weapons but to share the difficulty to live daily.
"Essential Eyes" is an operation of speaking and communicate about
daily life.
May this help.
May this work too.
Hope to see you at Padova or online!
Independent Meeting at Padova (Italy)
"Essential Macedonia"
August, 29, 2001
16.00 - 22.00
Via S. Giovanni da Verdara, 139
(Comboniani's House)
There is no program
I don't know who will come
There is only a room, a date.
Nothing else.
But it's a good opportunity to talk about Macedonia.
To find an independent way to talk about the situation.
To talk about independent "operations".
"Essential Eyes"
A new and important "operation".
Something very different from the Nato's "Essential Harvest".
Essential Eyes is an independent and not military mission.
To help to understand what's happening in Macedonia.
Not to "collect" any informations about the situation.
But about a direct contact with people living there.
This meeting is looking for people to create a network of words,
emotions and informations from Macedonia to over the world.
To share, if someone could find one, a way
(not a military way) to help macedonian people.
