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SOCPA - euro referendum protest - crane occupation at parl sq

rikki | 03.03.2008 02:59 | SOCPA | Repression

some peaceful activists from have just occupied a crane at parliament square in the early hours of monday 4th march

this morning's protest is about the breach of promise by the government for a referendum on a new european treaty.

the protestors are planning a banner drop and they hope to hold the occupation through the day to attract press attention to the issue. they are concerned that the current lisbon treaty is being bulldozed through parliament and is about to hand considerable powers over to a future european president - the name 'tony blair' is of course being bandied about for this new role.

wearechange are also involved in moves to get blair and many others to face war crime charges for their illegal occupation of iraq. they are the first group to cause the metropolitan police to take the evidence of war crimes seriously, and while official the met press office is denying the story, a met police unit has had several meetings with members of wearechange along with international war law expert chris coverdale and they are actively investigating the mountain of evidence supplied, which directly implicates blair and others under uk as well as international law.

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Display the following 10 comments

  1. still there — rikki
  2. On sky news — Egg
  3. Show some support — City worker
  4. Already been done — Egy
  5. News coverage online — Egg
  6. crane occupation over — rikki
  7. middle class protestors — Bezerka
  8. Fuck the EU — dh
  9. Much deeper — City worker
  10. no socpa offence — rob