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SOCPA - euro referendum protest - crane occupation at parl sq

rikki | 03.03.2008 02:59 | SOCPA | Repression

some peaceful activists from have just occupied a crane at parliament square in the early hours of monday 4th march

this morning's protest is about the breach of promise by the government for a referendum on a new european treaty.

the protestors are planning a banner drop and they hope to hold the occupation through the day to attract press attention to the issue. they are concerned that the current lisbon treaty is being bulldozed through parliament and is about to hand considerable powers over to a future european president - the name 'tony blair' is of course being bandied about for this new role.

wearechange are also involved in moves to get blair and many others to face war crime charges for their illegal occupation of iraq. they are the first group to cause the metropolitan police to take the evidence of war crimes seriously, and while official the met press office is denying the story, a met police unit has had several meetings with members of wearechange along with international war law expert chris coverdale and they are actively investigating the mountain of evidence supplied, which directly implicates blair and others under uk as well as international law.

- e-mail: rikkiindymedia[@t]gmail(d0t)com
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still there

03.03.2008 09:51

situation at 09:43 monday am

two men unfurled a large banner "referendum / give us our vote" and the police have made no attempt yet to remove them or it, although negotiations have taken place

they've just passed a message down to a supporter saying "love to everybody - we're doing this out of love for everybody"

campaigners are concerned that britain is handing away huge powers to europe at a time when tony blair is being pushed forward as a possible president of the new european superstate backed by a 'europol' jack-booted paramilitary police force with huge powers.

bbc report now here:

remember you heard it here first :)


On sky news

03.03.2008 10:34

At 10am it was the main story on Sky News. Interview with Simon shown. Wasn't mentioned on BBC News 24.


Show some support

03.03.2008 15:56

Nice to see an organisation not called UKIP (that's right, this issue is about democracy and not the right wing) noticing that the government is trying to force this one on us. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.
If you support what these guys are doing, then take a bit of action yourself - email/write/fax/call your MP ( and ask them to vote for a referendum on Wednesday - let the people decide whether we want to sell ourselves to the EU and not Parliament.
Nice one!

City worker

Already been done

03.03.2008 20:09

Wasn't this already done last week?

Great to see some originality *rolls eyes*


crane occupation over

04.03.2008 10:00

at about 9.30am both men came down from the crane voluntarily.

police were waiting for them, searched them and took them away in a van, it is thought to belgravia station.


middle class protestors

04.03.2008 22:46

I'm sure mummy and daddy may have well greeted them on their release with open arms

If this is revolution

Forget it



Fuck the EU

06.03.2008 00:19

It doesn't matter whether you're from left or right
The EU is a centralist devise for forming a superstate, alongside others like the American Union with its Mexico America Canada tie up and Super highways and thePacific Union and even the African Union, doomed as it is
Conglomerations of superstates as it were,ready to merge in the one world government
We know how a referendum would go
With a big no from the UK public
However it's much deeper than this


Much deeper

06.03.2008 14:44

Can't say that I fundamentally disagree with much of what you have to say, dh. Yesterday the British people were well and truly screwed with the debacle of the EU referendum vote - playing it as a right-wing ploy to start off with to bore the masses and switch them off to how important the issue is and then whatever Nick Clegg has been getting up to over the last few weeks (can't think of a word to describe the inanity of it!), making it seem last night that a really important vote hinged on whether or not he's a good leader (WTF?!). Clearly, all the political parties colluded on this one from the start and the media was in on it too. Last night was to make people think, if they're capable of it, that there's a semblance of democracy in this country when nothing could be further from the truth.
It's much deeper and far more worrying.

City worker

no socpa offence

28.08.2008 11:42

no offence under socpa as it was on private property. think on...

neither men were charged or any charges dropped. too embarassing and who knows what they may say in court...
