UK Newswire Archive
ECF declared Institutionally Racist by father of Junior England Chess Player
13-08-2012 22:35

Bio-metrics for visitors in UK Detention Centre
13-08-2012 16:02

Riots 2011: No Reason For Triumphalism
13-08-2012 15:53
A complex and insightul reflectin on last years's riots and the way they have been (most of the time wrongly) analised and romanticised in the anarchist and anti-authoritarian media.SMASH HLS! AstraZeneca Knock Out week of action
13-08-2012 12:28

Times are hard for the puppy killers at Huntingdon Life Sciences as job losses at both their UK sites leave about 100 abusers without jobs ( Things aren't much better for their customers either, with leaderless AstraZeneca's profits dropping by over a third ( Maybe they'd have better luck if they didn't spend their time torturing animals.
These financial problems have given us the perfect opportunity to get active in an August attack and knock out HLS' top customer AstraZeneca! The animals imprisoned inside HLS need us to fight for them - don't let AZ get away with murder at the world's most exposed animal testing lab.
Presentation and comments “We are the 1%”
13-08-2012 10:55
Class War - July 2012.
We present here a text we found on the Italian blog Finimondo ( that our group T?ídní válka / Class War / Guerre de Classe also translated in Czech. We want to emphasize here the contempt we feel not only for the exploiting capitalist class, but also for all the reformers of this world of misery. This is what emerges from this leaflet and more especially with regard to the critique of the novice politicians who scour and contain the so-called movement of "indignados" and other "Occupy" so that both of them don't overstep the limits that reformism tries to give to them as a referential framework.
But this being said, we don't proclaim our belonging neither to any 99%, nor to this 1% that the text of Finimondo puts forward in somewhat provocative way as a class reply to pacifism, legalism, democratic illusions, which are developed and propounded by these movements as powerful limits of their own. The historic class struggle, class war, direct action that the proletariat always carried on, cannot under any circumstances, never, be reduced to this miserable arithmetic. No curve, no statistic, no figure, no percentage will never be able to express neither the suffering of humanity, nor the reply that our class has inflicted on this whole misery, and will inflict much more in the near future. Misery based on wage labour, extraction of surplus value, private property of production means, man's exploitation by man, production and consumption of commodities we don't possess but that on the contrary possess us...
What matters for all revolutionaries (whether they claim to be anarchist or communist it is not important at this level of the analysis), it is to grasp all movements of struggle of our class, the proletariat, as the intrinsic contradiction between revolution and counterrevolution, between forces that push to overthrow and destroy the capitalist social relations on one hand (social relations guaranteed by the State with its police, its army, its religion, its politics, its bosses, its unions, its press, its intellectuals...), and forces that assure the preservation of this hell on the other hand.
Of course, none of the social forces subverting this world are rigid or develop in a linear way, and even lesser none of them have a clear revolutionary perspective since the beginning of a struggle movement. Obviously, all struggles of our class is first and foremost a struggle against the existing living and working conditions, the conditions of reproduction, imposed by capital's necessities and its dictatorship. Therefore it is always fundamentally about a struggle against exploitation. It is also clear that often proletarians start their struggles while only denouncing "abuses" or "excesses" of capitalism, whereas other more radical proletarians put forward the very foundation of capitalism as the fundamental reason of the evils afflicting the humanity...
But it would be dangerous for the development of our struggles aiming at overthrowing this world and eradicating this merchant tumour to dig from these differences an insurmountable gap between different sectors of one and the same universal class carrying the same chains and having only one and the same interest, i.e. to break these chains and to free together the whole of the human race...
Class War - July 2012.
This presentation and comments are simultaneously published in three languages: Czech, English and French, not because we have efficient translators but for internationalism's sake on one hand, and because it's the result of a common activity of comrades speaking these different languages on the other hand.
(The text "We Are the 1%" can be read in English at the following address:
Getting Used To Being Occupied
13-08-2012 09:59
The military occupation of London is an unprecedented multi-billion dollar showcase of military and security might... and it's not about protecting the public. It's there to accustom the public to an armed presence. The 2012 Olympics has been a multi-billion dollar excuse to militarize, weaponize and occupy the city of London with over 15, 000 armed troops, 12,500 police officers, massive surveillance teams, drones overhead, a war ship patrolling the Thames and surface-to-air missiles in public parks and on residential rooftops.Where is the balanced information on child vaccinations?
12-08-2012 19:18
Have you had to decide whether to vaccinate your child?Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
12-08-2012 17:10
David Joe Neilson Independent Candidate for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.US Republican Mitt Romney Picks a Bowhunter as Running Mate
12-08-2012 16:54

Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's pick to run for the vice presidency of the US, advertises that he is a bowhunter. He has in the House engineered hundreds of billions at a time to kill people and animals illegally in other countries. He voted against legal protection for horses and against endangered species legislation.
Anti-Puppy Farming Demo - 26th August – Please Spread the Word!
12-08-2012 16:43
Dogs4us is a puppy warehouse. It has branches in Leeds and Manchester. Dogs4us was exposed in 2009 buying puppies from puppy mills and telling a customer who’s puppy became sick to ‘take it back for a refund’ as treating the puppy would cost to much!Australian PM Julia Gillard Has Target IS To Reduce Carbon Emissions
12-08-2012 11:59

New West Country Anarchist newspaper
12-08-2012 08:51
September 2012 will see a brand-spanking new 8-sided monthly radical newspaper for the South-West hit the streets – but to be a success, it needs YOU!“Threatening, Abusive and Insulting Words”
12-08-2012 08:24
Consequences of breaking the 2 Minute Silence.Switzerland: Repression of intersquat festival
12-08-2012 03:44
A very rough English translation ofSuisse: La police pète les plombs… festival intersquat repoussé

Taken from

Solidarity with Japanese anti-nuclear protests
11-08-2012 12:55
Sixteen anti-nuclear protesters - half of them Japanese - gathered outside the Japanese embassy in Piccadilly, London on Friday morning (10 August), for the second week running, in a demonstration organised by London-based group Kick Nuclear. This was in solidarity with weekly demonstrations taking place outside the Prime Minister's offices in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan against the restarting of nuclear reactors as the Fukushima crisis continues. The weekly numbers taking part in those protests have now swelled to well over 70,000.
All images are Copyright (c) 2012 Kick Nuclear, but may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For larger, high resolution versions, please e-mail. More photos
See also:
film of anti-nuke protest at japan embassy - by Rikki
Upcoming actions and events:
- Friday 17 August, 9.30-11.30am - Anti-nuclear solidarity protest at Embassy of Japan, 101-104 Piccadilly, London W1:
- 23 August - 1 September - Buddhist-led peace walk towards a nuclear-free future, Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment, Berkshire to Hinkley Point nuclear power station, Somerset.
- Tuesday 28 August, 7.30-9.30pm - Kick Nuclear open night
- with guest speaker from Indian anti-nuclear movement
Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC) - (ground floor)
62 Fieldgate Street, (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES
Nearest Stations:- Whitechapel / Aldgate East / Aldgate / Shadwell: Map
This event is open to new folks and old hands alike to come and discuss the latest from the murky world of nuclear energy and nuclear new build, share news about protests and actions that have been taking place in the UK and elsewhere, and plot how we can put a few spanners in the works.
Come and join us!
- Tuesday 25 September - Benefit gig: David Rovics - Songs of Social Significance, with support from The Noo and Mr Creedy - presented by Kick Nuclear and friends
Doors 7pm
Tickets: £5 on the door
Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC) - (ground floor)
62 Fieldgate Street, (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES
Nearest Stations:- Whitechapel / Aldgate East / Aldgate / Shadwell
(Listen to and download David Rovics songs for free at )
- Stop New Nuclear camp and mass action against nuclear new build at Hinkley Point, Somerset, 5-8 October 2012.
A real Big Society: South Bristol's practical example of sustainable development
11-08-2012 12:16

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Far right stoke community resentments in Leicester
11-08-2012 10:55
Over the past few weeks, tensions have been building on the Thurnby Lodge estate in Leicester, over plans to convert a disused scout hut into a Muslim community centre. Residents unhappy with the local government decision to lease to the As Salaam charity have staged nightly protests against the group's meetings drawing as many as 250 people. When community tension is high, the parasites of the far right are never far away and the BNP, EDL and Casuals United have all been along to stir things up. Yesterday the BNP even parachuted Nick Griffin in to give a speech.
The Leicester Mercury reports that police have been stationed in the area over the past week after demonstrations of as many as 150 people against the As-Salaam Trust’s plans to convert a disused Scout hut into a community centre for local Muslims.
Some demonstrators say they want the Scout hut turned into a resource for the whole community and others have voiced support for a local boxing club to take on the lease instead. However, Leicester City Council has said that when the Scouts gave up their lease of the hut last year, 100 community groups looking for premises were contacted of which As-Salaam was the only one that could meet the criteria agreed with the Scout Association.
The demonstrations, which Leicestershire BNP involved themselves in, have focused on the Muslim group’s meetings at the existing community centre. The BNP said that “When the Muslims finally left the Centre they were met with jeers and told that they were not welcome.” Of course, the BNP have written this up in a way that supports their own agenda of promoting a clash between white and other communities. However, it would be very worrying if the protests are taking on a communal and islamophobic nature.
It seems that the tragedy here is that, thanks to the capitalist system of landlordism and rent extraction combined with the patronage politics of local authorities, suitable venues for community activities are unavailable to the working class people in the area. Only groups with the funds and organisation to jump through the council’s hoops end up getting a look in. We need communities where everyone can share resources and find a place, not ones where the poor are locked out and some ethnic and religious minorities are blamed for the scarcity that is an inevitable result of capitalist economics.
Anti-fascists need to make sure that far right groups do not get a boost as a result of these protests. Residents of Thurnby Lodge have a right to shared community resources and a say in how their community is run rather than being dictated to by Leicester City Council. Any attempts by the far right to turn this into a racial or religious matter need to be firmly resisted. We need to get an anti-fascist presence in the estate, to talk to people about what manipulations the fascists are involved in as well as showing that we genuinely support the right to community self-organisation but not the division of communities along cultural and religious lines.