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Switzerland: Repression of intersquat festival

S!N | 12.08.2012 03:44 | Free Spaces | Policing | Repression

A very rough English translation of
Suisse: La police pète les plombs… festival intersquat repoussé
Taken from

On Friday, July 27 at Freiburg, between midnight and 2:30 am, following an ultra aggressive “manhunt”, more than 50 people were arrested by riot cops and GRIF: they were batoning anything that moved, including passers-by and people already on the ground, arresting people in cars and trains, in cafes, shopping. There was intimidation by cowboys who watch too many television series (“stand still or I’ll shoot”), heavy use of pepper spray on people on the ground, then taking DNA (illegal under their own laws), keeping people in custody over 6 hours or more than 11 hours for others, creating a security perimeter with inadmissibility of a month (even for people who live within the perimeter). The wounded are many (according to police, there are only wounded in their ranks).

This attitude of Fribourg police shows they know no embarrassment when it comes to “protect the city disruption.” This does not surprise us. And to go in the direction of the witnesses of good character who declaimed from on high that “if they do so it is certainly because they have something to be ashamed,” we affirm that yes, we have definitely something to be ashamed of: we fuck your system that expels people in their country at war, abusing the weak, worn by a system of hierarchy, oppression and exploitation of living things and resources. We want to live within our dreams outside the logic of domination and profit.

We are not interested by the slogan “I consume therefore I am”, we are not concerned with national identity and the defense of rotten values ​​that promote the rejection of others, a tear in the eye in front of a flag fluttering in the wind, the lies of the state and school, we are not interested in working like animals for paternalistic bosses who think they are within their rights and end our day watching TV, a world where billions earned by some prohibit billion people live in the rest. Yes, we allow do not convince ourselves that this world is the only possible and it is time to address the mind and the emotional void by buying the iphone or the new shit fashion that will allow us to forget the moral misery in which we are supposed to live.

The police lose it on the ground and continue in their offices. Since there have not (yet?) been made laws to prevent people from thinking differently, the police can enjoy any opportunity to repress, as happened this Friday night.

We could denounce abuses of authority here, but we prefer to say that with or without abuse authority needs to be destroyed.

All persons who were arrested are encouraged to challenge their conviction and possible future to contact the antirep (intersquat_festival (AT) – using an email address created for the occasion, the cops your name already, do not give them your email address). It is advisable for any person injured to take pictures of her injuries and to visit a physician or LAVI to an observation and a certificate. Which will be helpful to make a complaint and for any future trial. It is always useful to write a testimonial of what you have seen or experienced to keep it in memory if necessary.

We occupy the empty houses because it makes sense. And we do not stop.

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