Axis of Evil? How about Axis of Assholes?
Paul O'Hanlon | 12.12.2005 16:15 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World
This is a 450 word account of my strong (very strong) feelings about the criminal assholes who get away with so much mass murder in the world. When and How can they be brought to justice? 15 labeled photos are attached
Currently Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic are on trial for their crimes and while they were certainly no angels, many of their crimes were committed with the approval of and active support of Western powers especially the United States. In fact the West was so heavily implicated in Saddam's atrocities (including Halabja which the media did not discover for 15 years) that they had to invent a bogus story about Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of incubators by invading Iraqi troops to help sway American public opinion during the first gulf War.
George Bush talks about `Rogue States` and `Axis of Evil` and now discredited vice President Dick Cheney spoke of a list of 40 countries he wanted to attack.
Here is a list of a dozen or so assholes that should be in the dock along with Saddam and Slobodan – if there was any justice that is. Sadly, in the real world, the strong do as they will and the weak suffer as they must. Also, there is the wise old legal maxim: "Blessed are the rich for they shall escape justice"
The list includes Bush, Blair, Albright, Rice, Cheney, Pol Pot and various other great international statesmen – Dr Kissinger, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize doesn't get a mention for once. He can write in and complain!
Can you imagine George Bush or Tony Blair in the Dock? Why not? Their crimes dwarf those of Saddam. An attempt has been made to impeach Tony Blair for his lies in the run up to war by Welsh MP Adam Price –
War crimes tribunals were set up by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark whose tribunal was held in New York last year:
The World Tribunal on Iraq was held in Istanbul this year:
The Rome Tribunal this year found the media criminally guilty of fanning the flames of war:
The media, arms manufacturers and politicians are all woven into the same fabric and love their wars in which they take no part but rake in huge profits while ordinary people die horrible deaths in their millions.
My advocacy is to stand up to some of these assholes who after all are chicken hawks, cowards, people who would run a mile rather than fight in any war. While I describe myself as a man of peace, after I saw a little Iraqi girl lose 9 (nine) members of her family and poor Rose Gentle's family being denied a pension for the loss of their beloved son Gordon, I get pretty angry. I don't agree with guns and bombs but I agree on some occasions with using your fists and why not head butt a few of these cunts and let then know what it's like to be hurt!
15 Labeled Photos are attached
Word Count: 476 words
Currently Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic are on trial for their crimes and while they were certainly no angels, many of their crimes were committed with the approval of and active support of Western powers especially the United States. In fact the West was so heavily implicated in Saddam's atrocities (including Halabja which the media did not discover for 15 years) that they had to invent a bogus story about Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of incubators by invading Iraqi troops to help sway American public opinion during the first gulf War.
George Bush talks about `Rogue States` and `Axis of Evil` and now discredited vice President Dick Cheney spoke of a list of 40 countries he wanted to attack.
Here is a list of a dozen or so assholes that should be in the dock along with Saddam and Slobodan – if there was any justice that is. Sadly, in the real world, the strong do as they will and the weak suffer as they must. Also, there is the wise old legal maxim: "Blessed are the rich for they shall escape justice"
The list includes Bush, Blair, Albright, Rice, Cheney, Pol Pot and various other great international statesmen – Dr Kissinger, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize doesn't get a mention for once. He can write in and complain!
Can you imagine George Bush or Tony Blair in the Dock? Why not? Their crimes dwarf those of Saddam. An attempt has been made to impeach Tony Blair for his lies in the run up to war by Welsh MP Adam Price –

War crimes tribunals were set up by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark whose tribunal was held in New York last year:

The World Tribunal on Iraq was held in Istanbul this year:

The Rome Tribunal this year found the media criminally guilty of fanning the flames of war:

The media, arms manufacturers and politicians are all woven into the same fabric and love their wars in which they take no part but rake in huge profits while ordinary people die horrible deaths in their millions.
My advocacy is to stand up to some of these assholes who after all are chicken hawks, cowards, people who would run a mile rather than fight in any war. While I describe myself as a man of peace, after I saw a little Iraqi girl lose 9 (nine) members of her family and poor Rose Gentle's family being denied a pension for the loss of their beloved son Gordon, I get pretty angry. I don't agree with guns and bombs but I agree on some occasions with using your fists and why not head butt a few of these cunts and let then know what it's like to be hurt!
15 Labeled Photos are attached
Word Count: 476 words
Paul O'Hanlon
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