UK Newswire Archive
Blair's party at Tate Modern - tonight!
08-09-2010 06:29
A party is being hosted at the Tate Modern gallery on Wednesday evening to celebrate the launch of his Bliar's memoir A Journey.Comprehensive Spending Review Scam
08-09-2010 06:14
The Comprehensive Spending Review (AKA as the Bonfire of the Benefits) will report in October. The timing of the report is a cynical attempt to recreate the political conditions of the 1980's.A Call Out for Dam Sleeping Action 25.09.10- Amsterdam
07-09-2010 23:29
To squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them and so empathize our call.Medieval oligarch Prince Charles' 'Green' tour in nuke sponsored train
07-09-2010 23:27
Prince Charles was in Bristol today endorsing our new 'green' shopping centre.And here is Bristol sax player and quaker David Mowat talking about Cabot Circus on the day it opened.

The Problem with WT7 conspiracies.
07-09-2010 22:03
Surely the bigger picture makes the controlled demolition of WTC7 an impossibility?Tony Bliar Signs Books In Bristol [1]
07-09-2010 17:22
After the protest in Dublin last Saturday, Tony Blair has cancelled his book signing in London. The publication of his memoirs which justify the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have outraged the millions of people across the country who oppose those wars.Blair knows he cannot appear in public without being confronted by protests over his war crimes and by attempts to make a citizen's arrest.

Blair knows he cannot appear in public without being confronted by protests over his war crimes and by attempts to make a citizen's arrest.
Fortunately, here in Bristol, Tony Bliar is happy to meet the public and will sign books outside Waterstones in Union Street on Wednesday 8th September from 12 noon to 2pm. He realises that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in untold suffering – hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans have died along with hundreds of British troops.
Bristol Stop The War Coalition are pleased to offer this chance for people in Bristol to show how offensive they find the publication of Blair's book
Date: Wednesday 8th September
Time: 12 noon to 2pm
Venue: Outside Waterstones Bookshop, Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3XD
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Seeds for Change workshops coming up: Consensus, Facilitation, Running workshops
07-09-2010 16:43
~ Facilitating Consensus (25 - 26 Sept 2010)~ Consensus: in at the deep end (8,9,10 Oct)
(Co-organized with Rhizome Cooperative.

~ How to run a great workshop (4 - 5 Dec)
More details at:

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Always use secure connection to UK Indymedia sites - Firefox add-on
07-09-2010 16:42
Here's how you can set Firefox to always use secure (encrypted) connections on UK Indymedia sites.Critically examine the role UNISONs labour activities in Liverpool.
07-09-2010 14:50
Trade UnionismWorkers rights
Beyond Hiroshima - The Non-Reporting of Fallujah's Cancer Catastrophe
07-09-2010 14:00
Compassion is sometimes a central theme of media reporting. On August 25, journalists across the UK described how a British woman, Mary Bale, had been filmed dropping a cat into a wheelie bin. The cat was later released unharmed. The Guardian reported and commented on the story on August 24 and 25. Matt Seaton wrote:“OK, there are lots of acts of random cruelty involving humans on humans every day, but this was somebody's pet, for Pete's sake. Who would do such a thing?” (

New IAEA Report on Iran Says Little, Sparks Flurry of New Speculation
07-09-2010 12:58
"The IAEA’s latest report on Iran, leaked today to a number of media outlets, has sparked a wild array of stories and speculation, though it appears to say very little. CNN’s headline “IAEA: Iran still enriching uranium” perhaps says it all, as there was no one who actually thought they had stopped."Mass Eviction of Traveller Families Begins in Essex
07-09-2010 12:43
The eviction of Gypsy families at Hovefields, Essex SS12 9JA started this morning.Chronicles of a summer of revolts in Italian detention centres
07-09-2010 11:34
After last year, 2010 brought another fiery summer in Italy’s detention centres for migrants (C.I.E.), where people are detained waiting to be deported. At the beginning of the summer the length of time of detention increased to 6 months, thanks to new “Security Package” approved by the government. Also, the Italian government has made a special agreements with Algeria and Tunisia to speed up the deportations of migrants coming from those countries. In many CIE’s Tunisians especially have been on the front line of revolts. Here follows a brief and incomplete chronicle of the past few months:"The Militarization of Hollywood": Unlocking "The Hurt Locker"
07-09-2010 11:31

A study of studies: Why Britain’s greyhound tracks are inherently lethal
07-09-2010 11:01
Every week in Britain the safety of literally thousands of greyhounds is put at risk in races held on oval tracks.West Cumbria Revolt Begins over High Level Nuke Dump.
07-09-2010 10:21

Lewes Road Community Garden Evicted - Meeting 7pm Tonight
07-09-2010 08:31
The Lewes Road Community Garden was evicted at 2am on Tuesday September 7. Bailiffs acting on behalf of land-owners, Belfast-based Alburn Minos Ltd and partners-in-crime Tesco came in mob-handed (eight-12 plus line of police outside) without a proper eviction notice and took possession of the land and the legally squatted adjacent building.Autonomous Education in the Zapatista Communities
07-09-2010 08:23
In July 2010, a European Solidarity Brigade visited the Zapatista communities and Caracoles of Chiapas and reported on the current situation there[ii].
Chiapas, Other Campaign, Zapatista News August 2010
07-09-2010 08:22
Communique from Las Abejas, issued one year after the release of the paramilitaries.
Harrassment of people from the Zona Costa (Coastal zone)
El Pueblo Creyente (the Believing People) of Chenalhó oppose the ciudades rurales (rural towns)
Youth bear brunt of budget cuts
07-09-2010 07:26
Young people’s services are being closed down across Britain as spending cuts dictated by the Conservative Party/Liberal Democrat coalition and their Labour predecessors take effect.