UK Newswire Archive
westminster banner drop set for overnight vigil
08-09-2010 22:22
two protestors climbed up on the scaffolding at the front of parliament (inside the security area) this afternoon.
they are protesting about the afghanistan war prior to a commons debate tomorrow. the STWC have called a protest at noon tomorrow before the debate.
the protestors have vowed to remain on the front of parliament overnight and until the debate
this afternoon, while police dealt with a diversion by a "granny" protest at the gates of parliament, two intrepid protestors scaled the high fencing at the side of parliament and armed with a ladder, provisions and banners, they scaled the scaffolding at the front of the house of commons and unfurled two large 'troops home' banners, two 'peace' banners, and a beautufully crafted large banner of the squatters section 6 'legal warning' claiming occupation of the site.
they climbed higher and frolicked around the roof of parliament for awhile, but later, that entry point was closed and nailed shut by police.
this evening at around 8.30, a rope team appeared at one of the windows, but after discussion and negotiation, the protestors agreed not to move off their platform, either to the roof or through a window into the building. in return, police promised they could remain in place for 24 hours and that there would be no attempt to deploy the rope team.
the protestors are hoping to stay on site until the start of the debate on afghanistan tomorrow, which will be marked also by a 'stop the war coalition' protest in parliament square at noon.
the two protestors are maria gallestegui, who has a long history of protest in parliament square, and who founded the 'peace strike' protest, and 'sky warrior' who posted a great first-hand account of a previous parliamentary incursion on indymedia here
ground photos by rikki indymedia
aerial photos and videos by maria gallestegui and sky warrior
free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise usual commercial rights reserved
London NoBorders presents: "Erasing David"
08-09-2010 21:51

ten years of Intifada! ten years of resistance to Zionism!
08-09-2010 21:50
The Al Aqsa Intifada began on 28 September 2000. The Victory to the Intifada campaign has been demonstrating outside branches of Marks & Spencer in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance every week for the 10 years since then, raising awareness about the struggle on Britain’s busiest shopping streets. Join us to mark 10 years of opposition to M&S's corporate sponsorship of the occupation of Palestine.Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2010
08-09-2010 21:25
Welcome to the 2010 Bristol Anarchist Bookfair !Saturday 11 September, from 10.30am to 6pm
At Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QY (fully accessible via ramp & lifts)
At the bookfair we offer you: 48 tables of stalls over 2 floors, 28 separate meetings/workshops/films spread over 4 rooms (including a Bristol Indymedia room and a Radical History Zone), a kids space, and an all day vegan cafe. All are welcome - come along and find out more, just step inside the door!
the bookfair collective writes At Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QY (fully accessible via ramp & lifts)
At the bookfair we offer you: 48 tables of stalls over 2 floors, 28 separate meetings/workshops/films spread over 4 rooms (including a Bristol Indymedia room and a Radical History Zone), a kids space, and an all day vegan cafe. All are welcome - come along and find out more, just step inside the door!
This year’s Bristol Bookfair will take place in the midst of the most serious ongoing crisis of capitalism for 80 years, against a background of drastic austerity measures (cuts, unemployment, tax rises, wage freezes, inflation) and worsening environmental mayhem. The class war waged against us by the ruling class has come up with an old trick, the coalition governent, this time of the self-serving LibDems and our class enemies the Tory toffs. Their Big Society is nothing but a Big Con, as they seek to roll back a publicly accountable state (well a bit accountable!) and replace it with a privately run corporately controlled one. Behind their PR bullshit of respect, sustainability and freedom lurks the iron fist of authoritarian capitalism making our lives subservient to their profits, our choices dictated to us by them. They tell us we must all share the pain of this crisis, we hope this bookfair will play its part in ensuring that they do indeed share some of our pain.
The aim of the bookfair is to provide a wide range of anarchist and radical literature, ideas, history, debate, theory, meetings, workshops and films, and merchandise. The event will provide a serious taster of anarchist ideas & practices to those people new to such ideas and looking for an alternative to the way things are, but do not have to be. The bookfair also acts as a get together for existing anarchists & radicals - to debate, discuss, network, plot and plan, and of course socailise!
Full Story | Bookfair Website | Bookfair Programme
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This event will provide you with all the tools you need to join the fightback against the LibDemCon coalition. The future is unwritten, it is not set in stone, it depends on what we do in the present.
On our website at you will find full details of the stalls and meetings at the bookfair, along with other events. We will also upload the full programme to the Bristol Indymedia site as soon as its available. Feel free to download and circulate publicity and info from the website.
Solidarity, love and rage!
Bristol anarchist bookfair collective xxx
Evictions of traveler families at Hovefields site in Essex - support needed
08-09-2010 20:28
Traveler sites across Europe are facing eviction from their homes in a wave of mounting intolerance against traveler communities.Pentagon's Half-Billion-Dollar PR Budget to Sell Afghan War
08-09-2010 18:45

General Petraeus' media blitz is only the tip of the iceberg in the Pentagon's effort to sell war to the American people. The Defense Department has a budget of more than $500 million for public relations efforts directed at U.S. citizens, a slice of a much larger information operations effort to influence public opinion. But no matter how much they spend on P.R. and information operations, the facts on the ground show that the Afghanistan War isn't making us safer, and it's not worth the costs.
Join us as we fight back against the spin.
More info:

Has UK Animal Rights Lost It's Edge?
08-09-2010 17:44
Has police repression worked? Has some of the AR militant edge been crushed? An open and frank discussion on the UK AR scene.Activists Occupy Parliament!
08-09-2010 16:46

Palestine Today 09 08 2010
08-09-2010 15:59

West Cumbria Revolt Begins over High Level Nuke Du
08-09-2010 15:23
Campaign group Radiation Free Lakeland have written to all Allerdale Councillors urging them to support Councillor Joe Sandwith's proposal that they should withdraw from the dodgy process designed to force Cumbria into "geological disposal" of nuclear waste.
Alert! - Change of venue
08-09-2010 14:38
Tony B!liar's book party moved to the RitzPolice Brutality
08-09-2010 14:22
A Scots police sergeant who injured a woman when he assaulted her in a cell in Wiltshire has been jailed for six months.
Sergeant Mark Andrews was caught on CCTV dragging Pamela Somerville, 59, across the floor of Melksham police station before shoving her into the cell.
the misnomer of peace talks
08-09-2010 13:30
I don’t know how anyone given the task could draw a map of Israel: it is likely the only country in the world with no defined borders, and it actually has worked very hard over many decades to achieve this peculiar blair's party really cancelled
08-09-2010 12:09
media reports might just be subterfuge. anyone still up for going?GFEST: 2010 line-up will show a range of diversity from the gay ART PRIDE event
08-09-2010 11:21
In it’s fourth year now, GFEST will present its 2010 programme on :
Counter Terror Expo - 19 - 20 April 2011 - Olympia, London
08-09-2010 10:25
The Counter Terror Expo in London is looking for speakers...! :-)Build the Resistance!
08-09-2010 09:44
Stop the Con-Dem cuts!Build the Resistance!
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay!
20 October
Downing Street, London
Imperial anatomy of Al-Qaeda:CIA’s drug-running terrorists & the “Arc of Crisis”
08-09-2010 08:33

The stench of suffering on an industrial scale
08-09-2010 08:27

Pigs giving birth in farrowing crates so cramped they can barely turn around?
Babies unable to reach their mothers?
Mutilations without anaesthetic to prevent fighting and self harm?
Breeding grounds for new strains of antibiotic resistant, zoonotic diseases?
Minorca? NWLDC still says NO!
08-09-2010 08:24
MOPG's 77th Press release explains the decision made by the Planning Committee of North West Leicestershire District Council to continue to oppose UK Coal's Minorca Application.
MOPG's 77th Press Release 8/9/10
Yesterday, Members of the Planning Committee of North West Leicestershire District Council agreed by a majority vote to continue to oppose UK Coal’s plans for an Opencast Mine on the Minorca site between Measham and Swepstone.
Members listened to the objections raised by The Minorca Opencast Protest (MOPG) Group and by Cllr Richard Blunt on why this application should be opposed as well as hearing a statement from the Measham Ashby Canal Enthusiasts on why the application should be approved.
Steve Leary, speaking for MOPG had three minutes to explain why this application would not only have a detrimental effect on the lives of local people but it should not be approved on two other grounds. The advice given on policy issues related to the new Government’s Energy Policy was misleading and that the conclusions on the Environmental Impact of the scheme reached by Wardle Armstrong, UK Coal’s agents were not based on sound criteria.
Cllr Richard Blunt, Member for the Appleby Ward spoke for many local people when he stress that this application, if successful would impact on local peoples quality of life and that this outweighed any perceived benefit that was being offered by UK Coal.
For the second time on this issue, Members voted against their Officer’s recommendation not to oppose the application in principle but votes to oppose the application because of the loss of amenity local people would suffer from if the application was approved.
Steve Leary, speaking for MOPG afterwards said
“This is a major landmark for our campaign. We know this recommendation has to go to the full Council of North West Leicesterhire District Council for approval. However, once approved, it will mean that the elected representatives of 70,000 electors now agree with the Minorca Opencast Protest Group that this is not an acceptable application despite claims to the contrary.
As before, all the local representative bodies, Measham, Swepstone and Snarestone Parish Councils and now North West Leicestershire District Council are united in their opposition to this plan.
This decision further encourages us to continue to press for a similar decision from Leicestershire County Council on October 15th. MOPG see no reason, given the strength and validity of our objections, why the Members of Leicestershire County Council’s Development Control and Regulatory Board should not reach the same conclusion as that passed yesterday by the Planning Committee of North West Leicestershire District Council."
tel 05601 767981,