Reclaim the Hill for Beltane in Edinburgh!
fwd message | 30.04.2003 16:41 | Culture
The Beltane Fire Society celebrated every year the start of summer on the 30th of april on top of Calton Hill in Edinburgh with Theatre show and Fire Shows.
This year, due to the spiralling costs mainly due to the Council, the celebrations have been cancelled.
However, although the official celebrations have been cancelled, the police and the council try to prevent anybody to have a private pagan celebration by police force...
Here is a call of Resistance!
This year, due to the spiralling costs mainly due to the Council, the celebrations have been cancelled.
However, although the official celebrations have been cancelled, the police and the council try to prevent anybody to have a private pagan celebration by police force...
Here is a call of Resistance!
Tonight's Evening News reports that Edinburgh City Council are banning access to Calton Hill from 6pm to 6am on Beltane night/ May Day morning. Security guards, council staff and police are being deployed to prevent unofficial celebrations. This follows the Council effectively preventing the Beltane Fire Society staging their usual celebrations.
This is outrageous. The Council spend a fortune on commercial tourist oriented festivals, eg at Hogmanay, to fill the pockets of hotel, restaurant and bar owners and boost business profits.
Now they are spending our money to try and stop the citizens of Edinburgh enjoying ourselves on our own hill!
They must not get away with this. Reclaim the hill!
Gather at the entrances to Calton Hill on Beltane, wed 30 April, at 10pm.
Some folk are meeting at ACE first, between 8pm and 9pm.
tel 557 6242.
Bring torches, warm clothes, drums, instruments, whistles, noisemakers, vacuum flask, what you hope to find.
As we reported in our last e mail, a contingent are going to the Hill as part of the ongoing resistance to the occupation of Iraq and Palestine - made even more urgent by the latest news that US soldiers have shot dead 13 people during a demonstration in Iraq.
Evening news web site - article on tues 29 april
17 west montgomery place , off Brunswick Road.
0131 557 6242
Tonight's Evening News reports that Edinburgh City Council are banning access to Calton Hill from 6pm to 6am on Beltane night/ May Day morning. Security guards, council staff and police are being deployed to prevent unofficial celebrations. This follows the Council effectively preventing the Beltane Fire Society staging their usual celebrations.
This is outrageous. The Council spend a fortune on commercial tourist oriented festivals, eg at Hogmanay, to fill the pockets of hotel, restaurant and bar owners and boost business profits.
Now they are spending our money to try and stop the citizens of Edinburgh enjoying ourselves on our own hill!
They must not get away with this. Reclaim the hill!
Gather at the entrances to Calton Hill on Beltane, wed 30 April, at 10pm.
Some folk are meeting at ACE first, between 8pm and 9pm.
tel 557 6242.
Bring torches, warm clothes, drums, instruments, whistles, noisemakers, vacuum flask, what you hope to find.
As we reported in our last e mail, a contingent are going to the Hill as part of the ongoing resistance to the occupation of Iraq and Palestine - made even more urgent by the latest news that US soldiers have shot dead 13 people during a demonstration in Iraq.
Evening news web site

17 west montgomery place , off Brunswick Road.
0131 557 6242
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