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International Women's Day (rising) | 08.03.2011 13:22 | London

Today is the 100th International Women's Day [2 IWD]. One hundrd years since Rose Schneiderman declared, “The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too. Help, you women of privilege, give her the ballot to fight with.” Despite significant gains, there is so much work still to do...

Last Saturday over 1000 women took part in the Million Women Rise march in London against violence against women and children [pics flickr pics]. 

In the current climate of cuts, as UKuncut have said: "the government may have neglected their duty to investigate the impact of legislation on gender inequality, but other people have not, and the results show that women will face a disproportionate burden".

Among many events taking place three this evening include Womean Against Cuts demoWomen, the cuts + resistance meeting and Well behaved women seldom make history with a March and speak out on Saturday 12th calling for an end to cuts, poverty and discrimination.

. (rising)
- Original article on IMC London: