Smash EDO Press Release - Death of Marie Vesco
Andrew Beckett | 05.06.2008 13:40 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873
The death of Marie Vesco, aged 19, en route to the Carnival Against the Arms Trade outside the Arms Factory EDO-MBM, has been a blow to everyone involved in the campaign. Marie and her friends were cycling from London to Brighton to participate when her bicycle was hit by a car. Marie was a committed anti-war activist with the Whitechapel Food Not Bombs and the Brixton Reclaim Your Food groups. Her commitment against climate change and war was what motivated her and her 11 companions to cycle from London to Brighton for the protest.
A close friend of Marie’s said, “She was a very warm and generous person who was always laughing and always made people laugh. She had just moved in with her boyfriend and had plans to open a social centre. She was very giving and always lent a helping hand. Things will never be the same without her.”
The fact that she was killed on the roads, whilst cycling lawfully and safely, speaks volumes about the priorities of the British government. Whilst arms dealers are subsidised to the tune of billions of pounds, the relatively small amount of money that it would take to provide safe cycle lanes for bikes is held back.
Andrew Beckett, Smash Edo press spokesman said “EDO’s weapons are used in wars that are fought for oil to fuel the automobile industry that is burning up the planet and responsible for countless deaths. The Smash Edo campaign is ready to give any support they can to Marie’s friends and fellow campaigners.
There was a minute’s silence on the Level where protesters gathered after the demonstration in her honour.
Notes for Journalists
The Company
EDO MBM Technologies Ltd are the sole UK subsidiary of huge U.S weapons manufacturer EDO Corp.From their base in Moulescoombe Brighton, EDO MBM manufacture vital parts for the Hellfire and Paveway weapons systems,laserguided missilesused extensively in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Somalia. EDO Corp were recently acquired by ITT in a multi-billion pound deal. ITT's links to fascism go back to the 1930s. The founder Sosthenes Behn was the first foreign businessman received by Hitler after his seizure of power.
The Campaign
There has been active campaign against the presence o f EDO MBM in Brighton since the outbreak of the Iraq war.Campaigners include students, Quakers ,Palestine solidarity activists, anti-capitalists and academics. Despite an injunction under the protection of harassment act (which failed) and over forty arrests the campaign is still going strong.Their avowed aim is to expose EDO MBM and their complicity in war crimes and to remove them from Brighton. They hold regular weekly demos outside the Moulescoombe factory on Wednesday's between 4 and 6.
Andrew Beckett
05.06.2008 14:21
I found this comment on the Argus site:
"Marie Vesco came to London from France last year to study at the London Metropolitan University. Before taking up her studies she worked for a few months as an au pair. She felt very strongly about injustice in the world. There is enough food to feed everyone and yet people go hungry. Along with a group of friends; she would collect edible food that was being thrown away by markets and retailers and prepare vegan meals and give them away to passers by. Marie loved cats and cycling and she had a great strength to not only stand up for herself but also to consider other peoples viewpoints and to concede when appropriate. Marie was wise for her age and had the ability to show deep empathy. She was looking forward to going to France next week to celebrate her 20th birthday with friends and family. Marie will be missed by her family and her many friends in England and France."
(Posted by: Gerry, London on 11:55am today -

horrible news
special reclaim your food in brixton being planned
07.06.2008 14:02
07.06.2008 23:06
Actions and some words from Russia
09.06.2008 07:51
Agree with me, it is not the best time
My friend taken for his requiem...Venya Drkin
... 6th June 2008
Frenchwoman Marie Vesco (lived in London), activist of the Critical Mass
and Food Not Bombs died in her way to the Carnival Against the Arms Trade.
It was pacifist mass-meeting, but there were many people from the Critical Mass.
She was carrying food for activists distribution. Two cars drived directly into
a cyclist group. Marie died instantly and her friends could do nothing to save her.
Marie was just a few days away from her 20th birthday.
original link:

russian source:

Leaflets distributed in Russia:

Info about actions:
In action participated 7 people. Were cooking buckwheat porridge with vegetables and
soy meat. Fed about 15 comers. All who wished second portion, got it. During the
distribution were spreaded about 100 leaflets devoted to Marie. Write us

Photo from action in Bryansk:

Today moscow fnb went to city centre to large indian festival where wrote "Мари Веско" with
a piece of chalk on asphalt and were distributing leaflets. Many people, mainly older ones,
after receiving leaflet were praying. People of so many nationalities and religion.
Some of them were asking abbout the Food Not Bombs and Critical Mass.
Totally 150 leaflets were distributed.
Photo from action in Moscow:

Also at this time was held FNB on traditional give-away place.
10 activists fed 70 homeless people with buckwheat with vegetables, bread and tea.
Leaflets were spreaded too.
Contacts with Moscow groups:

Nizhniy Novgorod
Today 7 activists leaded another Food Not Bombs action on the Moscow railway station.
Feeding was fast, because came more people then always, about 25 persons. Cooked buckwheat
with vegetables, bread and hot tea, which took a very place at such a cold day.
Photo from action in Nizhniy Novgorod:

Our contacts:

It is known, that actions were held in many cities of Russia, leaflets weren't spread on
them, had no time to print.
1)Food Not Bombs. Cooked buckwheat with mushrooms and tea. Fed about 25 people.
It is surprising, that action didn't attract militias attention. 8 activists.
2)vegetarian picnic in the context of passing in Peterburg festival "Votes for the animals"
that attracted about 30 persons. Sandwiches and fake wurst, vegan pies, tomatos,
lettus and cucumbers.
Write to us: icq: 197-853-229, 356-664-307
7 activists fed 22 homeless people with porridge

In Saratov
fed about 25 people.


Also FNB was held in Apatiti
Initiative The Critical Mass - It's a movement ... of bicycles, in the streets
Their webpage:

Iniative Food Not Bombs (FNB) - it's a protest against militarism and misery,
expressed in free feeding of hungry people with vegan food.

Marie Vesco, Rest In Peace
Petite Marie
09.06.2008 22:07
Parce qu'avec ta petite voix
Tes petites manies, tu as versé sur ma vie
Des milliers de roses
Je viens du ciel et les étoiles entre elles
Ne parlent que de toi
Petite furie, tu dis que la vie
C'est une bague à chaque doigt
Au soleil de Floride, moi mes poches sont vides
Et mes yeux pleurent de froid
Dans la pénombre de ta rue,
Petite Marie, m'entends-tu?
Je n'attends plus que toi pour partir
(paroles et musique: Francis Cabrel)
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