Yet another GM sugarbeet withdrawn from UK national seed list application
crop geek | 17.03.2004 13:26 | Bio-technology
Syngenta/Monsanto withdraw the last GM sugarbeet from the UK national seed list process. Now only one variety of GM fodder maize, one variety of GM winter oilseed rape and one variety of Spring oilseed rape (all owned by Bayer CropScience) now left in the application process for the national seed list. This compares with 11 varieties a year ago and 58 varieties since 1994 and none actually on the seed list and commercialised so far!
Application No:- 45/774
Breeders Reference or Approved Name:- STURGEON
Application Date:- 15/01/1997
Acceptance Date:- Application Withdrawn
Last Updated: - 16/03/2004

Application No:- 45/774
Breeders Reference or Approved Name:- STURGEON
Application Date:- 15/01/1997
Acceptance Date:- Application Withdrawn
Last Updated: - 16/03/2004
crop geek