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Deportation of Patrick Mitonga Masengo

Stillshooter | 23.03.2010 19:11 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Please stop the removal of Patrick Mitonga Masengo to DR Congo.
he is pictured here taking part in a Congolese Protest in Manchester on 13th March, against just this sort of happening.
He was arrested on March 19th 2010.


His home office reference number is M13477893
port reference number is TN1/1524395

Removal directions from UK by flight KQ101 to DR Congo at
19.00 hours on March 24th 2010.
For any queries to stop the removal call 01912380440 between 9am and 5pm
and after that time call 01612611640.

His phone number is 07958289913 he is in a removal centre in London
please support him.

He is a high profile of APARECO, a movement that is against
the current government in DR Congo.

APARECO members when deported are tortured, killed and disappear because of their implication in APARECO.

They are also spied by the government so when deported they are killed because they betrayed the country according to the government.

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