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Open Boat Day Revisited.

Boat Eye | 26.08.2004 02:19 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Cambridge

More Pictures of Sunday's Open Boat Day...

Bank View No.1
Bank View No.1

Bank View No.2
Bank View No.2

Bank View No.3
Bank View No.3

Departure of a stripped down Barge (soon to be converted)...
Departure of a stripped down Barge (soon to be converted)...

Boat Bound Busking..?
Boat Bound Busking..?

Floating Des Res - replete with six ton concrete floor!
Floating Des Res - replete with six ton concrete floor!

One man, his Dog and a few other people...
One man, his Dog and a few other people...

A String Quartet was spotted playing on the Lock island!
A String Quartet was spotted playing on the Lock island!

The well attended Open Boat Day in all it's multicoloured glory!

Boat Eye


Display the following 2 comments

  1. This was in Cambridge — David
  2. To Everybody — Jade