More Actions Planned Against Cuts
imcvol | 04.12.2010 12:22

Following the actions on November 24th and November 30th, there are a series of events and actions against the ConDem cuts planned over the next few weeks
On Sunday 5th December a demo is planned, with the intention of allowing people who are unable to attend the midweek walkouts due to work or other commitments. The plan is to meet at 12:00 on College Green
On Wednesday 8th December there is a call for actions at universities across the country issued by NUS and UCU.
Then on the 9th December, the day parliament votes on the proposed cuts to education, there are calls for a huge national protest in London.
Finally the 15th December is a national day of protest against welfare cuts, with local events planned around the country.
5th December Students Against the Cuts | Day X3 | UCU and NUS set out week's protests in campaign against fees and education cuts | National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Call for Local Events | Student Protest 3rd December
Original article on IMC Bristol: