UK Newswire Archive
Spoof newspaper seeks contributions
03-04-2002 09:40
Cheeky spoof newspaper seeks articles and graphics on Mayday-related themes, including environment, no borders, war and ‘anti-terrorism’, work and dole slavery, plus general anti-capitalist, anti-state resistance. WE URGENTLY NEED GRAPHICS, NEWS BRIEFS AND SUBVERTABLE ADVERTS !London, Monopolise Mayday - beware of pretenders.
03-04-2002 09:32
GR and their pseudo rebellionParliment Recall - To discuss the death of the Queen Mother only!
03-04-2002 05:37
Why is parliment only discussing the death of one old woman, but refuses to discuss the attacks upon thousands in Palestine??Criticism of 'Independent' Mayday article 02.04.02
03-04-2002 02:32
A terribly written, badly researched excuse for an article, which pits the traditional Trade Unions and Globalise Resistance against evil Anarchists and paints Globalise Resistance as the historical force behind Mayday while accusing anarchists of “appropriating” direct action in the late 1990’s ! Oh and of course Mayday 2002 could be the most violent for 10 years!Interview: Brittish activist in Ramallah
03-04-2002 02:18
British activist trapped in Ramallah: Interviewby Palestine Chronicle 9:23pm Tue Apr 2 '02
Published in Times online
From IMC Israel
These are selected quotes from an interview with a British activist who is trapped the West Bank city of Ramallah, under Israeli siege. The activist is part of a group of British students who went to the West Bank late last month to act as human shields.
Urgent: Eyewitness account from war in Palestine
03-04-2002 02:12
Eyewitness account from American student in Ramallah.Summary: far more casualties then reported in media, 10% of the poeple arrested are children under age 18, deported to unknown destination, systematic arrests of medics, nurses. Internationals are told to leave or will be shot.
No international organisations or Red Cross are allow in.
Appeal to stop these massacre.
Tues 2 April 5:17 pm
from IMC Palestina
Diplomacy is dead, a NEW diplomacy is born
03-04-2002 01:17

Palestine: Photo of injured Bristol activist
03-04-2002 01:08

Arafat’s Speech to the Arab League Summit
03-04-2002 00:38
President Arafat’s Speech to the Arab League Summit in Beirut (via Al-Jazeera)AP "wrapup". That's where the press copy'n'paste from...
02-04-2002 23:21
London Palestine Demo, report and updated arrangements
02-04-2002 22:07

Welcome Everyone...welcome
02-04-2002 21:37
Dear friends, I would like to challenge your knowledge. How well do you know these guys?Day Of The Land
02-04-2002 21:32
The zionist forces today as 26 years ago oppress and rob the palestinian people, mastermind of these crimes today as 26 years ago is Mr. SharonSionist act of intollerantian war on the Cattolicism Heart
02-04-2002 21:32
Manifesting hurls against the cars taking them to soccer and fists and trying to hit also the occupants, while the prodigal police in order to avoid the contact. Manifesting the more adults try than to contain the intemperances of young bringing back them in front of the building of Prc where the protest is concentratedClare Short supports impoverishment of 20 million!
02-04-2002 21:31
Clare Short MP and her Department For International Development are supporting a plan for the industrialisation of India's farming sector, which will have desastrous consequences for millions of small farmers.Read this then come to the protest on Thursday (see the UPCOMING section on the main uk indymedia page).
US nationals refuse evacuation from Palestine
02-04-2002 21:12
Statement from American U.S. Nationals in Azza Refugee Camp