UK Newswire Archive
Criminal US Regime Bugging Major Media
15-05-2006 18:20
In an attempt to keep what little truth the mainstream media reports from leaking out, the criminal Bush/PNAC Regime has "begun" monitoring major media.The slide to Fascism continues ...
The people vs Leeds City Council this Wednesday
15-05-2006 18:19
Two separate campaigns fighting the Council's undemocratic and ill-thought plans for Little London and Woodhouse will unite on Wednesday in an unprecedented show of strength.Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two International Peace Activists In The Head at Bil’in
15-05-2006 18:17
This is what Zionism does when it can't address its Opposition, resort to violence, and send a message to others.The Utopias of Capitalism
15-05-2006 18:00
"Government and freedom exclude one another" from "Jennifer Government"London Welcomes President Hugo Chavez
15-05-2006 17:49

15-05-2006 17:43
After the mediocre performance in the council elections of only gaining a handful of seats in Muslim areas, the SWP are unsure about respect.Climate Change Teach-in/Conference
15-05-2006 17:27
London School of Economics
Admission Free
Block the Builders target contractors again
15-05-2006 14:12

Leeds tenants say 'hands off our homes'
15-05-2006 14:04
At 12.30pm this Wednesday, (17 May), residents of Little London will gather outside Leeds Civic Hall to demand the Council immediately suspends its privatisation plans for their estate.Inside Iraq: A women's story
15-05-2006 13:45
Film Showing and discussion, 1st June, 7.30pm in the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road. Organised by Nottingham Iraq/Iran Union Solidarity.Cross-party briefing on the Armed Forces Bill 17 May 2006, 6.30-8pm
15-05-2006 12:37
Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House (above Westminster tube, entrance on Victoria Embankment, wheelchair accessible)The Armed Forces Bill 2006, a major redrafting of military law, will be in the Commons on 22 May. Yet it has gone through committee stage with hardly a whisper in the media and a deafening silence even from politicians who opposed the Iraq war.
Radical History Group meeting May 25th: The General Strike
15-05-2006 12:28
1926 GENERAL STRIKE: HISTORY AND MYTH MeetingOnce again, the South London Radical History Group presents it's monthly fandango for you..
We aim to have a couple of brief presentations on local examples of the
day to day running of the Genreal Strike in South London, as well as an open
discussion on its legacy, and what lessons we can learn (a bit late as
Student activist conference at Sussex University, 27 May
15-05-2006 12:27
On Saturday 27 May, ENS and other organisations including UK Students Against Coke, Earth First Students and Students Against Sweatshops will be holding an activist gathering at Falmer House, University of Sussex. The event aims to be an open forum for anyone committed to building a fighting, political student movement to discuss ideas and share skills.Hugo Chavez to visit Brian Haw in Parliament Square later today
15-05-2006 10:12
The President of Venezuela has been invited to visit Brian Haw, the Parliament Square peace protestor, when he goes to Parliament this afternoon to meet with MPs.He was very interested!
Come down to Parliament Square to greet Hugo Chavez.
The CRIME that Covered-up the Coup
15-05-2006 09:31
The 'Project for a New America': "The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair, carried out by amateurs whose true motives are just beginning to unravel. Had there been media to cover what was happening while this was going on, none of this could have continued!"Reed-Elsevier and the Arms Trade
15-05-2006 08:49
The following is an open email to all academics regarding the participation of the publishing house Reed-Elsevier in the arms trade. An academic boycott is being started; for more information and to sign up to the boycott go to:
The return of 'thought crimes' in Japan
15-05-2006 08:22

Chavez - Beware of Ken Livingstone
15-05-2006 07:45
The Mayor of Livingstone is courting the Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez for the Corporation of London, which is an unaccountable local authority that has business links with unsavoury PFI.The interest in Venezuela is for little other reason than its oil reserves and its desire to prevent the US and UK occupy its land to exploits its resources like insurgent countries that the US and UK are. Who is Ken