UK Newswire Archive
Come and visit the Free Market at LARC
23-04-2002 10:27
It's said that money is the root of all evil. So what would happen if we pulled up that root and based our relationships on helping rather than exploiting each other? Might a world free from money be a fairer,greener, friendlier place? Find out yourself!
Audio-Palestinian Woman speaks to NEARfm
23-04-2002 10:22

Colombia: urgent action request
23-04-2002 09:55
Forwarded from Colombia Solidarity Campaign:Manchester: latest from NUJ strikers
23-04-2002 09:49
Second round of strikes at Guardian Media; please support.HENRY KISSINGER's TRIAL... LONDON !
23-04-2002 07:59
A new hearing is scheduled before district judge Nicholas Evans who, in 1998, was the judge who issued the first warrant for General Pinochet's
Critical Mass on May 1st
23-04-2002 07:48
Final details for May 1st Critical Mass bike rides...GLOBAL PROTEST TO "OCCUPY" ISRAELI CYBERSPACE
23-04-2002 06:33
You needn't watch the news of events in the West Bank passively - you can do something today!An appeal for participation in a global, online 'virtual sit-in'.
Meet & Greet Defence Minister Geoff Hoon in Gloucester Thursday night
23-04-2002 02:52
let Geoff Hoon know how much you support Labours warmongering policiesWalk for Palestine Medical Aid - Bristol to London
22-04-2002 22:54
Two women peace campaigners, Margaret Jones and Mary Millington, are walking from Bristol to London to raise money for two medical centres in Palestine.Call for anticapitalist convergence against ICC in Denver, CO, USA May 5th-8th
22-04-2002 22:49
Come to Denver May 5th-8th to stand up against the 34th World Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce, composed of representatives from thousands of corporations, which makes recommendations on policy to the UN, WTO, and G8.Democracy & Nature: new edition
22-04-2002 22:47
Transitional strategies and the Inclusive Democracy projectdirty hands all over
22-04-2002 22:39
How the dirty hands of elite agencies muddy the waterPerverts, Degenerates, and Godless Scum
22-04-2002 21:35
Bush Daddy's Third Reich Ids=28550 & 28634. Summary: Regal perverts! The whole lot of them. In reply to comments from "Paxman" and "Mr. Irritated"; You don't read this! You probably can't! This is the best account of WW II ever written! Why don't you go check out the girls in Hooterville?what the left after france has said
22-04-2002 21:12
The two candidates of the revolutionary left in teh French election, who received 11% between them, not standing to "win" (and making that clear as part of their campaigns) but to make propaganda for another kind of society, at a time when many people are more interested in politics than otherwise - have made their initial statements on the results.UN names Jenin inquiry team + yankkkee general
22-04-2002 17:34
Palestinians say there are bodies under the rubble UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has appointed Finland's former President Martti Ahtisaari head of a team to probe events at the refugee camp in Jenin, where Palestinians say the Israeli army "massacred" civilians. Amnesty International, the human rights organisation, is calling for full international war crimes inquiry, following its three-day survey of Jenin camp.AXIS OF EVIL - BUSH AND URIBE VELEZ GO FOR ALL OUT WAR
22-04-2002 17:09
Why don't the mainstream press cover what's going on in Colombia. At least they're vaguely covering Palestine. Why not Clombia?ACTION: Write to the Observer (click on link) and politely (or impolitely!) demand some articles about the situation!
Maybe send them a copy of the following info :-)
27: Dominators in Charge
22-04-2002 16:16
This is a call for revolutionWe exist within a community of life
Our choices influence the course of existence
Are we leading or are we being led
Will we choose peace or war
Oxford March for Palestine
22-04-2002 14:57
Details of march, rally, and meeting in Oxford on 27th April, 1.30pm. Assemble Manzil Way (off Cowley Road)