Come and visit the Free Market at LARC
Harry Hark | 23.04.2002 10:27
It's said that money is the root of all evil. So what would happen if we pulled up that root and based our relationships on helping rather than exploiting each other? Might a world free from money be a fairer,
greener, friendlier place? Find out yourself!
greener, friendlier place? Find out yourself!
We invite you to come to the "Free Market"!!
When? Sunday April 28th/10am to 4pm and Tuesday 30th 4 to 8pm
Where? The London Activist Resource Centre,
(LARC), 62 Fieldgate St , London E1. Aldgate East/Whitechapel tube.
It will look like a cross between a jumble sale and a second-hand shop, but the one big difference will be that everything is free.
To make that work, we're asking you to do two things, if you can:
1) Bring us stuff (eg. videos, computer stuff, musical
instruments, clothes, ornaments, whatever) in reasonably good
condition. We'll be open specially on Thursday 25th April from 4pm
'til 7pm to receive it, or to come out to you to pick it up. (Ring us on
020 7377 9088 if you want us to do that.)
2) Come along on the day(s), have a look around, maybe drink a cup of(free)tea, and most importantly, take away whatever you want or need.(You don't have to bring something to be able to take something, although it would be great if you could.)
The Free Market is organised by London Reclaim the Streets and
is one small part of the Festival of Alternatives
happening on and around May Day 2002.
For more details, go to
The venue: LARC is a new centre dedicated to providing a
space for the creation of diverse, positive, socially just and environmentally
sound futures. It's made up of a meeting space, office space, roof garden,
banner and other prop-making space and library. It's open to anyone wanting
to find out more about these issues for more details, phone 020 7377 9088
or email
When? Sunday April 28th/10am to 4pm and Tuesday 30th 4 to 8pm
Where? The London Activist Resource Centre,
(LARC), 62 Fieldgate St , London E1. Aldgate East/Whitechapel tube.
It will look like a cross between a jumble sale and a second-hand shop, but the one big difference will be that everything is free.
To make that work, we're asking you to do two things, if you can:
1) Bring us stuff (eg. videos, computer stuff, musical
instruments, clothes, ornaments, whatever) in reasonably good
condition. We'll be open specially on Thursday 25th April from 4pm
'til 7pm to receive it, or to come out to you to pick it up. (Ring us on
020 7377 9088 if you want us to do that.)
2) Come along on the day(s), have a look around, maybe drink a cup of(free)tea, and most importantly, take away whatever you want or need.(You don't have to bring something to be able to take something, although it would be great if you could.)
The Free Market is organised by London Reclaim the Streets and
is one small part of the Festival of Alternatives
happening on and around May Day 2002.
For more details, go to
The venue: LARC is a new centre dedicated to providing a
space for the creation of diverse, positive, socially just and environmentally
sound futures. It's made up of a meeting space, office space, roof garden,
banner and other prop-making space and library. It's open to anyone wanting
to find out more about these issues for more details, phone 020 7377 9088
or email

Harry Hark