UK Newswire Archive
Targeting Corporate Complicity in Israeli Apartheid: Ideas for Action
02-07-2013 15:10
One of the aims of Corporate Watch's research is to provide information for action to campaigners against companies profiting from Israeli militarism, apartheid and occupation.BDS is a holistic approach to Israel's militarism and its racist and apartheid policies against Palestinians. It allows ordinary people to take action in their communities and workplaces in line with the BDS call and be a part of the popular struggle for freedom in Palestine.
Eviction Brixton
02-07-2013 13:27

We are 75 people living in six blocks of flats in central Brixton who are facing eviction from our homes on July 15th. We live in property that Lambeth Council has not maintained or looked after for the past thirty years. Lambeth council is pushing ahead with its plan to drive more of us out of Brixton, to develop private housing, only affordable for the ultra rich. Now we are being ripped out of our homes to make space for ‘corporate clients’ (see letter below). Foxton’s will charge people upwards of £2000/week to stay in our flats and/or they will sell them for half a million pounds.
Total opposition - interview with anarchist writer
02-07-2013 10:46
In an interview with The Vast Minority, writer Paul Cudenec calls for anarchists to unite in "total opposition" to the global capitalist system. He says he is trying to unearth the primal force behind the philosophy and argues that anarchism has the potential to become a new "religion" for the current age.Thin Blue Crimes: The History of the Police's Special Branch
02-07-2013 09:56

The Special Branch has been an integral part of Britain’s police since 1887. Early officers of it make claims, familiar justifications of the Special Branch today, the Special Branch being an, “essential guarantor of stability in Britain”. According to these early sources back then it single handedly prevented dynamite atrocities, protected royalty and forestalled revolutions.
The Future of Bristol & District Anti-Cuts Alliance
02-07-2013 06:55

This is more or less the third anniversery of BADACA. The idea came from a meeting of reps from local branches of the NUT and spread to other unions and organisations. It is now time to review BADACA and Bristol NUT has just passed a resolution to that effect.
In many ways BADACA has been a success. For one thing it has kept going when anti-cuts groups in other towns have not. It has organised demos, lobbies and leafletting; it is taken seriously and provides a valuable information service to about 1500 people on the effect of the cuts and action against them locally. Recently, it has been active in the campaign against the bedroom tax, giving out thousands of leaflets and starting the beginnings of tenants' groups in parts of Bristol. I think we are the only organisation doing this consistently. I also think we can take some of the credit for Bristol City Council hesitancy on sticking the boot in on tenants who cannot pay as shown by the resolution passed at the last Council meeting. This resolution was by no means an outright victory but it was something.
How to Avoid Workfare
02-07-2013 05:45

Know your rights – Work Programme
You do not not have to sign any provider documents!
Find out if your “work experience” is mandatory or not.
Fact: Not all ‘work experience’ on the Work Programme is mandatory.
Fact: The only personal data you need to share with a Work Programme provider (such as A4e) is your referral letter and signing on book – See
Fact: You don’t have to sign any Work Programme provider documents or forms.
Fact: Your CV is personal data and you don’t have to give them a copy to keep.
Fact: A written Mandatory Activity Notification must be given if they want to make anything sanctionable or to keep or see personal info they do not already hold.
Fact: The Job Centre can postpone starting the Work Programme for 90 days if you have a job interview, or are expecting to work soon.
Fact: If you are on another Job Centre scheme, pregnant or a survivor of domestic violence you do not have to do the Work Programme.
See and for more info on the Work Programme.
Anarchists! Get Organised!
01-07-2013 22:55
We are facing an unprecedented period of attacks against the working class. The Conservative-Liberal coalition have unleashed the full force of austerity upon us in order to help tighten the grip capitalism holds on society. Public sector cuts, the bedroom tax, benefit cuts and so on are merely different faces of the ugly beast known as neoliberalism. Unless we directly challenge these attacks on our standard of living we can only expect further cuts - all at the expense of the working class.It is important that there is an specifically anarchist response to austerity for anarchism is a social and political movement with its roots in the struggles of the working class – those who are most effected by the cuts. We cannot allow the struggle against austerity to be left to authoritarian or state socialists or the liberal left (or worse the far-right and fascists); their response to the economic crisis is much of the same. Anarchism holds the only really answer for the emancipation of the working class from the exploitation of capitalism.
Bristol is unique in that it has a wealth of anarchist resources to pool from. Apart from a large anarchist movement made up of individuals we have a number of specifically anarchist organisations (Anarchist Federation, Solidarity Federation, IWW etc.) and even our own anarchist social centre – Kebele. Considering this we have a very small presence on the radical/revolutionary Left in Bristol despite being arguably one of the largest tendencies in the city. Our isolation is a product of our own creation and one that will lead to our eventual downfall.
Made Possible by Squatting Call-out for Submissions
01-07-2013 20:14

Please sign this petition to get justice for the family of Stephen Lawrence
01-07-2013 15:51
We must keep the pressure on before this falls off the mainstream 'news'. We must shine a light on the disgusting way the Lawrence family have been treated by the Met. Only a full public enquiry can do this.Blockade Framework
01-07-2013 14:55
As part of Boycott Workfare's week of action Nottingham Against Workfare call out for a week long internet blockade against workfare users Framework.
Framework, have recently admitted that they are using labour from DWP Mandatory Work Schemes to supplement its voluntary apprenticeship programmes. Whilst the head honchos at Framework like Oxbridge educated chief executive Andrew Redfearn continue to act as if they shouldn't be embarrassed at causing suffering to the working classes, staff who are further down the totem pole continue to show a combination of disgust and irritation at their employers actions.
So, from the 6th to the 14th of July visit the Facebook and Twitter pages that glorify the work Framework do, and turn them into a wall of tears letting them know that they need to get themselves out of the exploiting labour business.
C.E.O of Framework is also standing for election as VCS of One Nottingham who claim to be the strategic Partnership for the City, bringing together public, private, voluntary and community sector organisations to champion our long term vision for Nottingham and tackle disadvantage. Maybe they should be comprehensibly informed that Andrew's strategic vision includes taking advantage of social disadvantages.
When the Work Programme launched two years ago, the government wanted everyone finishing it to be sent to do six months of forced unpaid work. But all mention of this punitive scheme has now disappeared: a powerful testament to the strength of your actions.
People are pushing back the spread of workfare: One provider has complainedthat it has 100 fewer placements each week in its area alone. In recent weeks, Argos and Homebase claim to have pulled out of workfare, Wetherspoons has followed them and Debenhams are wobbling. The government has been ordered to reveal the list of workfare exploiters but keeps appealing: it is terrified that the public response will spell the end for workfare.
Greater Leith Against The Cuts Meeting
01-07-2013 12:55
7.30pm Wednesday 3rd July 2013 Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, EH7 5HA. Open organising meeting. All welcomeProtest at German Embassy this Wednesday 1pm!!!
01-07-2013 11:47
Call out! Solidarity with the Non-Citizens in Munich, Germany.Protest at German Embassy in London:
Wednesday, 3rd of July, 1pm; 23 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PZ
Getty Images Scam Letter
30-06-2013 22:03

EDO Director at secretive UK future weapons conference
30-06-2013 21:40

John Eaton has previously attended confrences in the US to present research being carried out at EDO MBM in Brighton into miniature weapons systems used on unmanned drones.
The latest UK conference was restricted to UK nationals with classified security status.
100,000 March Demanding End To Rich-Poor Divide In Chile
30-06-2013 17:24

An 'Assembly' of Illusions?
30-06-2013 10:14
Did the recent 'Peoples' Assembly offer a realistic way forward or just another chance for the left elite to gain an audience? Was the dominant message based on reality or simply wishful thinking? This article considers the positives and negatives of this recent initiative and suggests avoiding some obvious pitfalls.EDL Woolwich Washout!
30-06-2013 09:53
The EDL had a less than successful time this weekend.Rob Hopkins: The Power of Just Doing Stuff
29-06-2013 22:10

Cardiff Shell petrol station rooftop occupation
29-06-2013 17:04

Fuck tha (Turkish) Police
28-06-2013 20:32