Targeting Corporate Complicity in Israeli Apartheid: Ideas for Action
Corporate Watch | 02.07.2013 15:10 | Palestine | South Coast | World
One of the aims of Corporate Watch's research is to provide information for action to campaigners against companies profiting from Israeli militarism, apartheid and occupation.
BDS is a holistic approach to Israel's militarism and its racist and apartheid policies against Palestinians. It allows ordinary people to take action in their communities and workplaces in line with the BDS call and be a part of the popular struggle for freedom in Palestine.
BDS is a holistic approach to Israel's militarism and its racist and apartheid policies against Palestinians. It allows ordinary people to take action in their communities and workplaces in line with the BDS call and be a part of the popular struggle for freedom in Palestine.
In 2005 a coalition of Palestinian and Israeli civil society groups called on people of conscience around the world to implement boycotts, divestment campaigns and press for sanctions (BDS) against Israel until "it withdraws from all the lands occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and removes all its colonies and walls in those lands; implements United Nations resolutions relevant to the restitution of Palestinian refugees rights; and recognizes the right of its Palestinian citizens to full equality."
BDS is a holistic approach to Israel's militarism and its racist and apartheid policies against Palestinians. It allows ordinary people to take action in their communities and workplaces in line with the BDS call and be a part of the popular struggle for freedom in Palestine.
What you can do
We thought we'd give a few examples of actions people could take, in line with the BDS call, which have arisen out of our research.
Christian Friends of Israeli Communities and Stewardship Services (UKET)
CFOIC Israel, a charity supporting illegal settlements in the West Bank, has confirmed to Corporate Watch that its UK donations are now received through an organisation called Stewardship Services, a British Evangelical Christian charity based in Essex. Taxpaying donors have the option to tick a box to allow Stewardship Services to claim Gift Aid for CFOIC, amounting to a British government subsidy to CFOIC, which is not even a registered charity in the UK.
World Action Ministries, another Christian charity, used to receive donations for CFOIC but dropped them after public pressure. Tell Stewardship to follow the example of World Action Ministries and drop CFOIC. WAM did mention phone calls from the public as a factor in them deciding to no longer deal with CFOIC.
Stewardship Services can be contacted at:
PO Box 99
IG10 3QJ
Email: Tel: 020 8502 5600 Twitter: @stewardshipnews
There are a number of international wine competitions which have been known to feature "Israeli" wines from the West Bank. Write and complain about them being accepted as Israeli in breach of country of origin rules.
Vinalies Internationales
21-23, rue de Croulebarbe, 75013 PARIS
Tel: +33 1 58 52 20 20
E-mail :vinalies@oenologuesdefrancefr
Secrétariat général:
Raul Castellani (
Relations internationales:
Moises Spak (
TEL : +972 547 629 101
Fax : +972 3518 9001
Some settlement wines, like the ones from Psagot winery have an importer in the UK:
Royal Wine UK/Kedem Europe Ltd:
Block B – OCC Estate
105 Eade Road
N4 1TJ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8802 8889
Act on agriculture
It is clear that British supermarkets are still not taking the issue of enough.
In January we exposed Morrisons' continued sourcing from the settlements. Contact Morrisons and challenge them on the origin of their produce and ask them to stop trading with settlement exporter Hadiklaim:
Customer service enquiries - 0845 611 6111
General or corporate enquiries - 0845 611 5000
Or fill in the on-line contact form:
We also exposed Sainsburys' continued trade with companies sourcing from the settlements. Contact Sainsburys and challenge them on their trade with EDOM and Mehadrin:
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
33 Holborn
Sainsbury’s switchboard: 020 7695 6000 or fill in the contact form:
Attend the demo at Sainsburys AGM on July 6th, for more info see
Arad is an Israeli company providing services to Israeli settlements.
Let Southern Water know what you think about them installing meters made by Israeli occupation profiteers, especially if this is due to affect your house.
Southern Water can be contacted about water meters here:
You can call their technical enquiries phone line on 0845 278 0845.
Sign the petition to free Sireen Khudiri who is currently being held in an Israeli prison which receives serviced from G4S.
BDS is a holistic approach to Israel's militarism and its racist and apartheid policies against Palestinians. It allows ordinary people to take action in their communities and workplaces in line with the BDS call and be a part of the popular struggle for freedom in Palestine.
What you can do
We thought we'd give a few examples of actions people could take, in line with the BDS call, which have arisen out of our research.
Christian Friends of Israeli Communities and Stewardship Services (UKET)
CFOIC Israel, a charity supporting illegal settlements in the West Bank, has confirmed to Corporate Watch that its UK donations are now received through an organisation called Stewardship Services, a British Evangelical Christian charity based in Essex. Taxpaying donors have the option to tick a box to allow Stewardship Services to claim Gift Aid for CFOIC, amounting to a British government subsidy to CFOIC, which is not even a registered charity in the UK.
World Action Ministries, another Christian charity, used to receive donations for CFOIC but dropped them after public pressure. Tell Stewardship to follow the example of World Action Ministries and drop CFOIC. WAM did mention phone calls from the public as a factor in them deciding to no longer deal with CFOIC.
Stewardship Services can be contacted at:
PO Box 99
IG10 3QJ


There are a number of international wine competitions which have been known to feature "Israeli" wines from the West Bank. Write and complain about them being accepted as Israeli in breach of country of origin rules.
Vinalies Internationales
21-23, rue de Croulebarbe, 75013 PARIS
Tel: +33 1 58 52 20 20
E-mail :vinalies@oenologuesdefrancefr

Secrétariat général:
Raul Castellani (

Relations internationales:
Moises Spak (

TEL : +972 547 629 101
Fax : +972 3518 9001
Some settlement wines, like the ones from Psagot winery have an importer in the UK:
Royal Wine UK/Kedem Europe Ltd:
Block B – OCC Estate
105 Eade Road
N4 1TJ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8802 8889


Act on agriculture
It is clear that British supermarkets are still not taking the issue of enough.
In January we exposed Morrisons' continued sourcing from the settlements. Contact Morrisons and challenge them on the origin of their produce and ask them to stop trading with settlement exporter Hadiklaim:
Customer service enquiries - 0845 611 6111
General or corporate enquiries - 0845 611 5000
Or fill in the on-line contact form:

We also exposed Sainsburys' continued trade with companies sourcing from the settlements. Contact Sainsburys and challenge them on their trade with EDOM and Mehadrin:
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
33 Holborn
Sainsbury’s switchboard: 020 7695 6000 or fill in the contact form:

Attend the demo at Sainsburys AGM on July 6th, for more info see


Arad is an Israeli company providing services to Israeli settlements.
Let Southern Water know what you think about them installing meters made by Israeli occupation profiteers, especially if this is due to affect your house.
Southern Water can be contacted about water meters here:

You can call their technical enquiries phone line on 0845 278 0845.

Sign the petition to free Sireen Khudiri who is currently being held in an Israeli prison which receives serviced from G4S.
Corporate Watch