Media cover-up: Police attack on the Parliament Square Peace Campaign
Parliament Square Peace Campaign | 19.01.2012 23:43 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
Around 8pm on Monday 16th January , Metropolitan Police arrived en masse in Parliament Square, and ....unleashed upon our campaign, hour upon hour, of horror, in Parliament Square.
It's a funny old world...
On Monday evening I had just popped over the road, while a fellow campaigner covered.
As I walked over, I suddenly noticed large numbers of police vehicles.
Then around twenty police officers got out of more vehicles by Westminster tube and crossed the road in front of me as I headed to the tube station.
So I had to ask what was going on and they pointed behind me and said Parliament Square.
As I turned, my mobile rang...
Around 8pm, Metropolitan Police arrived en masse in Parliament Square, and ....unleashed upon our campaign, hour upon hour, of horror, in Parliament Square.
I don't think it changes that a peaceful assembly... is a peaceful assembly a peaceful assembly...
And so, we have hundreds of photos to upload....
I didn't know, "they" wanted us to go and play in the High Court, and be joined with Peace Strike (I remember how being joined goes)....but anyway...we didn't go...
Well, it's easy to forget there was one Application for Judicial Review: CO/12316/2011 & another CO/12613/2011.
I'd put money on Peace Strike & Paul Ridge from Bindmans losing, unless they are talking up peaceful assembly and the Public Order Act....and our ruling that tents are proportionate.....
Boy, it is dirty...
And so, in an unparallelled act of revenge, against our campaign generally, Parliament had the MET police suddenly turned up last night around 8.15pm, and wrought havoc on our campaign, for several hours, before the press really showed up.
And why ? To take ...err four tents ?? Our .....four tents !! They are not taking us to court...because it's called .....theft....again.
Well, imagine if the idea of not killing each other, not only resonated across all people's.
Hang about. It does.
And so they didn't like our Judicial Review. It's got a lot of theft in it....
Of Torture and Genocide.
And so one campaign is "allowed" to sleep ....and one is not.
But I promise you the media will never tell you that one...
The police took all our chairs too.
And when Babs asked how long you have to sit in a chair before it becomes a crime, in the year 2012, Superintendent "TOP COPS'S A TEA LEAF" Morgan couldn't give a definitive answer on that one.
Well they like ....arbitrary, don't they..
And Superintendent Morgan was recorded refusing to give a power of seizure, for guessed it, all my legally privileged material...all over again. Along with my case to Europe and my Application For Judicial Review.
Now, do you think it is possible that they are going through it ?
And Babs asked Mr Morgan to explain to Press Tv how it came to pass, that a lawful ten year campaign became unlawful.
And he said they would need to ask the Met press office... Indeed it was a major PR offensive...
Boris was quacking. Hammond the Defence Secretary was tutting....etc.
So it was business as usual then.
Let that be a lessson to you that the the media have ..."free speech".
It's all about control you see....
So think Public Order Act & Take two ....peaceful assemblies ...side by side.
Not a lot a government can do, to conspicuously remove one.
But when you make it all about, not what you are campaigning about, but whether or not you have managed to get the right piece of paper...well, that's something to lose sleep over....
And so they needed something like SOCPA 2005 ss 132-138, which gives police arbitrary powers to say & do what they want one campaign. Our campaign.
Then you try trespass and possession (the Mayors claim) on our peaceful assembly in having a peaceful assembly are neither trespassing, or taking possession/controllng access to....
And then Westminster City Council launched a claim...that was in the long grass for the past year...
And when that (and everything else failed), Parliament introduced yet, another new law, the Police Reform & Social Responsibility Act 2011, to give the police even more arbitrary and less than transparent powers....that are used on our campaign.
They took our four tents. It wasn't like the press showed. The police stayed and stayed and stayed, until their oppressive presence triggered a realisation in Babs that Brian wasn't alongside her anymore and really wasn't coming back, and they had killed him. And when Babs broke down and said over and over, and over.... again that they had killed him.
Then they took the picture of Babs' grief.
And thought that was a good one to put on the front page of the Evening Standard, minus the whole truth of course...
Babs was sobbing on the phone to my ............
And when they really could not keep it going any longer.
I remember in the ....dream, Barrow was there, talking to the BBC who can't put our website on their page, of course.
Now he has resigned....I wished him well and he shook my hand. Before I sent them on their way to tell their lies, in the shadows, where they belong.....
Of course Barrow did not try to come near our display...then. He waited until the day after...I am arrested...and comes down with the BBC.
Anyway, finally on Monday night...."they".... went away.
And came back at around 3am. And a very tall sergeant threatened to arrest me under SOCPA 2005 ss 132-138.....????
By then, I was terrified. I had been traumatised. And so I moved away. Into the road.
And I was yelling.
You took our tents, and you did what you did...because (at best, beyond the Public Order Act), with all your laws), I hadn't filled in a form, somewhere, to the staisfaction of some police bod !!
And so they arrested me for obstruct the highway. As they do. And when I grabbed hold of the barriers....they did a strange thing. One police officer started pushed my nose up....
They don't like a peaceful assembly. You are always something ...else.
So it's best that you are not around to be quoted. Like at the State Opening....Remember, everyone else said what they want.
I was taken to Charing Cross Police Station and then they charged me this morning, before refusing me bail & taking me to City of Westminster Magistrates Court where a trial was set for June 1st 2012. I was released around 5.30pm and returned later to the square.

I guess it was probably best to come under the cover of darkness, for ..four tents...
Parliament Square Peace Campaign