Judas - From Benedict Arnold to Mother Teresa
Karen Fish | 19.04.2006 19:13 | Anti-militarism | Culture
In case you have been hiding in a cave for the past two weeks Judas the Betrayer aka Atilla the Hun has won his appeal in the court of world judgment in The Hague. Based on evidence not available at his trial for selling out the Messiah for 30 pieces of silver, Judas has now been completely exonerated and a float in his honor has been planned for the annual Macy’s Christmas Day Parade. Anna Nicole said yesterday, “He may be old but I really love him. I have enough gold now and maybe it’s time for silver.” The Lone Ranger upon hearing this said, “I will not allow Anna Nicole to appear on farmanimals.com with my horse no matter how well endowed she is.”
Pope Benedict said this week in his Easter Homily dressed in his finest Cinderella outfit, “Judas is still a dirty double crossing Judas no matter what any Gospel says”, sticking to the party line. Benedict Arnold, no relation to Arnold Ziffle, was a General in the army of the 13 British colonies which rebelled against Great Britain. Apparently spell check never watched “Green Acres”. His personal finances running low, and faced with pressure from his much younger second wife, Arnold plotted to allow the British army to capture the American fort at West Point New York. He evaded capture, fled to England, and was still given an award of 6,000 pounds sterling, which in 1780 AD could buy a lot of matzoh.
Until now it was thought that Judas Iscariot had to leave the Passover seder to tell the Jewish authorities where Jesus was hiding. Never mind the minor detail in the fairy tale that Jesus always preached in the open to large crowds in the Galilee and in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus did not exactly hide himself from the authorities. In fact he openly committed the felony of causing a fig tree to never again bear figs, as he rode his stolen donkey into Jerusalem.
While we are all going through this collective cognitive dissonance over the flip flopping in our minds over Judas and his people, who have been mercilessly massacred for 2,000 years for allegedly killing a Jewish Rabbi, let us also point out that prophecy is an inexact science to say the least. For 2,000 years the world has believed that 666 is the number of the Beast, the Anti-Christ, the absolute Devil, Satan Himself. In fact 666 is the number of the Messiah and Savior of 2 billion people, Jesus Christ.
While our collective minds have been temporarily opened due to the Judas scandal, notice that Jesus was the son of David, his grandfather 1,000 years earlier King David. Prince Jesus the King of the Jews who never quite made it to the throne room, scepter in hand, was the rightful heir by virtue of being the direct descendant of King David, who slew Goliath with a slingshot, and sent his girlfriend’s husband off to the Russian front. The world runs on oil today and the Earth only has 40 years of oil left, olive. The upcoming Nuclear World War between the Russian Bear and the American Eagle over the oil in the Middle East, which is 80% of the world’s oil, should make the catfight between Hilary and Lindsay look like one night in Paris. This is why Vladimir Putin and his new pal Hu Jintao will never go along with sanctions against Iran, who they are now cozying up to. China needs the oil for their new Geeli automobile (300 million have been pre sold) which sells for $9,000 and is about to hit American soil to deliver the knockout blow to GM and Ford. President Bush, an oilman, who sits on the board of the Saudi Royal family, couldn’t be happier with the war in Iraq which has sent oil prices and oil stocks through the roof. He is your eggs Benedict, Mr. Ziffle, according to the loose changers.
Try reading this baloney with a Richard Nixon accent while tripping on LSD. Lest I get into trouble with the authorities for corrupting the minds of the children let me clarify. I am referring to Louise Suggs’ Disaster CD. No Mr. CIA, there are no coded messages in this rant to Osama Bin Laden, whose family in Saudi Arabia financed George’s oil company. According to the loose changers and the overwhelming evidence, it was the President of the United States who ordered the hit on the Pentagon, where an airplane the width of a football field disappeared into a hole in the wall the size of a football, or a cruise missile with the letters U.S.A. emblazoned on the side. This gave the President the excuse to make a mad dash for the Middle East oil. Now he is provoking Iran into a war in which he plans to take the nuclear, biological and chemical gloves off and capture the Middle East. We are talking legacies here, and be sure that Laura Bush does not want to go down in history as the wife of another Watergater. She plans on bringing home the bacon.
Getting back to the ancient Jewish Rabbi who created the Universe 15 billion years ago, in a bang the size of a T-Rex climaxing in downtown Manhattan, the royal emblem of King David and his heir King Jesus was the magen david, the star of David, 6 points on 6 triangles on an inner 6 sided object, 666. If Judas can be Mother Teresa, then Jesus Christ can be the Anti Christ. It’s all a matter of deep rooted inner conflict.
The Temple of Love
http://www.thetempleoflove.com/ The World Peace Religion
"Peace through religion."
Pope Benedict said this week in his Easter Homily dressed in his finest Cinderella outfit, “Judas is still a dirty double crossing Judas no matter what any Gospel says”, sticking to the party line. Benedict Arnold, no relation to Arnold Ziffle, was a General in the army of the 13 British colonies which rebelled against Great Britain. Apparently spell check never watched “Green Acres”. His personal finances running low, and faced with pressure from his much younger second wife, Arnold plotted to allow the British army to capture the American fort at West Point New York. He evaded capture, fled to England, and was still given an award of 6,000 pounds sterling, which in 1780 AD could buy a lot of matzoh.
Until now it was thought that Judas Iscariot had to leave the Passover seder to tell the Jewish authorities where Jesus was hiding. Never mind the minor detail in the fairy tale that Jesus always preached in the open to large crowds in the Galilee and in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus did not exactly hide himself from the authorities. In fact he openly committed the felony of causing a fig tree to never again bear figs, as he rode his stolen donkey into Jerusalem.
While we are all going through this collective cognitive dissonance over the flip flopping in our minds over Judas and his people, who have been mercilessly massacred for 2,000 years for allegedly killing a Jewish Rabbi, let us also point out that prophecy is an inexact science to say the least. For 2,000 years the world has believed that 666 is the number of the Beast, the Anti-Christ, the absolute Devil, Satan Himself. In fact 666 is the number of the Messiah and Savior of 2 billion people, Jesus Christ.
While our collective minds have been temporarily opened due to the Judas scandal, notice that Jesus was the son of David, his grandfather 1,000 years earlier King David. Prince Jesus the King of the Jews who never quite made it to the throne room, scepter in hand, was the rightful heir by virtue of being the direct descendant of King David, who slew Goliath with a slingshot, and sent his girlfriend’s husband off to the Russian front. The world runs on oil today and the Earth only has 40 years of oil left, olive. The upcoming Nuclear World War between the Russian Bear and the American Eagle over the oil in the Middle East, which is 80% of the world’s oil, should make the catfight between Hilary and Lindsay look like one night in Paris. This is why Vladimir Putin and his new pal Hu Jintao will never go along with sanctions against Iran, who they are now cozying up to. China needs the oil for their new Geeli automobile (300 million have been pre sold) which sells for $9,000 and is about to hit American soil to deliver the knockout blow to GM and Ford. President Bush, an oilman, who sits on the board of the Saudi Royal family, couldn’t be happier with the war in Iraq which has sent oil prices and oil stocks through the roof. He is your eggs Benedict, Mr. Ziffle, according to the loose changers.
Try reading this baloney with a Richard Nixon accent while tripping on LSD. Lest I get into trouble with the authorities for corrupting the minds of the children let me clarify. I am referring to Louise Suggs’ Disaster CD. No Mr. CIA, there are no coded messages in this rant to Osama Bin Laden, whose family in Saudi Arabia financed George’s oil company. According to the loose changers and the overwhelming evidence, it was the President of the United States who ordered the hit on the Pentagon, where an airplane the width of a football field disappeared into a hole in the wall the size of a football, or a cruise missile with the letters U.S.A. emblazoned on the side. This gave the President the excuse to make a mad dash for the Middle East oil. Now he is provoking Iran into a war in which he plans to take the nuclear, biological and chemical gloves off and capture the Middle East. We are talking legacies here, and be sure that Laura Bush does not want to go down in history as the wife of another Watergater. She plans on bringing home the bacon.
Getting back to the ancient Jewish Rabbi who created the Universe 15 billion years ago, in a bang the size of a T-Rex climaxing in downtown Manhattan, the royal emblem of King David and his heir King Jesus was the magen david, the star of David, 6 points on 6 triangles on an inner 6 sided object, 666. If Judas can be Mother Teresa, then Jesus Christ can be the Anti Christ. It’s all a matter of deep rooted inner conflict.
The Temple of Love

"Peace through religion."
Karen Fish
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