Photos - N. Ireland Activists Reclaim the Bases
Independent Anti-War Activists | 05.04.2003 18:34
Photos - N. Ireland Activists Reclaim the Bases
Photos - N. Ireland Activists Reclaim the Bases
Today anti-war activists blockaded Palace Barracks Hollywood, Co Down. N. Ireland...
Press release below….
"Support Troops by Bringing
Them Home" Demand Protesters
Today (5 April) at 1400, as part of a UK-wide anti-war day of action, activists from both sides of the community in Northern Ireland picketed Palace Barracks in Holywood.
The activists, drawn from many walks of life, stressed that the target of the protest was not the servicemen and women but the politicians who had sent them into danger under false pretences and against the wishes of the population.
The action takes place as part of the "Reclaim the Bases" [1] campaign taking place today across the UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Republic of Ireland and other European countries.
"Men and women from Ulster are going to be killed and injured solely in order to allow America to extend it's military influence over the world's richest oil producing region."
"The pro-war politicians tell us to 'stop undermining our troops' by which they mean 'stop disagreeing with pro-war politicians'. These same politicians are the ones placing the troops in danger of friendly fire, depleted Uranium and resistance from a population which will only see them as invaders." said one F. Fire.
"This illegal war has already dragged on too long. Relief agencies are complaining of a serious lack of access to the needy and funding for basic food, water and medicine[2]. If people are genuinely concerned about the plight of ordinary Iraqi civilians they will be supporting relief agencies and not a military onslaught." said D. Uranium.
"Tony Blair and George Bush ask us to stop thinking and just trust them. But it is our duty as concerned citizens of a democracy to make our views known. Bring the troops home, Tony, before more people die."
Independent Anti-War Activists
Notes for Journalists:
[2] Only £3m has been allocated for aid by Clare Short. This is 0.1% of the £3 Billion war budget.
In July, $5.4 Bn worth of food aid to Iraq was blocked by America and Britain.
The much hyped "Sir Galahad" contained only 450 tonnes of aid supplies. According to Christian Aid, it would take 32 Sir Galahad's a day to cover the estimated need for food aid in Iraq.
Save the Children is adamant that the method of aid distribution being used by the military is insufficient and counterproductive in the long run. It's actual use is as a propaganda tool for their failed attempt to win "hearts and minds" and it doesn't reach the people who need it most.
Press release below….
"Support Troops by Bringing
Them Home" Demand Protesters
Today (5 April) at 1400, as part of a UK-wide anti-war day of action, activists from both sides of the community in Northern Ireland picketed Palace Barracks in Holywood.
The activists, drawn from many walks of life, stressed that the target of the protest was not the servicemen and women but the politicians who had sent them into danger under false pretences and against the wishes of the population.
The action takes place as part of the "Reclaim the Bases" [1] campaign taking place today across the UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Republic of Ireland and other European countries.
"Men and women from Ulster are going to be killed and injured solely in order to allow America to extend it's military influence over the world's richest oil producing region."
"The pro-war politicians tell us to 'stop undermining our troops' by which they mean 'stop disagreeing with pro-war politicians'. These same politicians are the ones placing the troops in danger of friendly fire, depleted Uranium and resistance from a population which will only see them as invaders." said one F. Fire.
"This illegal war has already dragged on too long. Relief agencies are complaining of a serious lack of access to the needy and funding for basic food, water and medicine[2]. If people are genuinely concerned about the plight of ordinary Iraqi civilians they will be supporting relief agencies and not a military onslaught." said D. Uranium.
"Tony Blair and George Bush ask us to stop thinking and just trust them. But it is our duty as concerned citizens of a democracy to make our views known. Bring the troops home, Tony, before more people die."
Independent Anti-War Activists
Notes for Journalists:

[2] Only £3m has been allocated for aid by Clare Short. This is 0.1% of the £3 Billion war budget.
In July, $5.4 Bn worth of food aid to Iraq was blocked by America and Britain.
The much hyped "Sir Galahad" contained only 450 tonnes of aid supplies. According to Christian Aid, it would take 32 Sir Galahad's a day to cover the estimated need for food aid in Iraq.
Save the Children is adamant that the method of aid distribution being used by the military is insufficient and counterproductive in the long run. It's actual use is as a propaganda tool for their failed attempt to win "hearts and minds" and it doesn't reach the people who need it most.
Independent Anti-War Activists