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terratech | 30.09.2007 16:13 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
Benefits system 'heading for crisis'
The head of Northern Ireland's benefits body has warned that the social security system is teetering towards crisis. The Social Security Agency chief said that many offices may not be able to cope with the new Employment Support Allowance - designed to replace Incapacity Benefit - next year, which could impact on thousands of claimants.
Europe will get its own Green Card – but it’s blue
The European Parliament makes plans for a Green Card, as it calls for a boost in skilled legal migration to tackle Europe’s demographic crisis and lagging economic competitiveness on the global market.
Underpaid, easy to sack: UK's second class workforce
Unions demand that agency staff, are given the same employment rights as permanent staff, to protect both local and migrant workers.
Voice analysis to cut off British welfare cheats
Critics of the technology, known as voice risk analysis, say it is not reliable enough and could result in legitimate claimants missing out.
The head of Northern Ireland's benefits body has warned that the social security system is teetering towards crisis. The Social Security Agency chief said that many offices may not be able to cope with the new Employment Support Allowance - designed to replace Incapacity Benefit - next year, which could impact on thousands of claimants.
Europe will get its own Green Card – but it’s blue
The European Parliament makes plans for a Green Card, as it calls for a boost in skilled legal migration to tackle Europe’s demographic crisis and lagging economic competitiveness on the global market.
Underpaid, easy to sack: UK's second class workforce
Unions demand that agency staff, are given the same employment rights as permanent staff, to protect both local and migrant workers.
Voice analysis to cut off British welfare cheats
Critics of the technology, known as voice risk analysis, say it is not reliable enough and could result in legitimate claimants missing out.