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Monad Squat – new radical project for social change - looking for people

Arrow | 24.08.2004 14:03 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Technology | London

Of course which is not new and even still not a project…
Project which will be opened soon (hopefully this week) will look for people interested in:
- squatting
- getting involved in the project happening inside
- helping out (incl. staying overnights/throug the day)

Anyone interested call 0789 739 2160

And check more details at

Project is created for speeding up social change and implementing sustainability around the world – and it includes opening free spaces for:
- exchange – free market based on beyond (banking system) currencies (incl. LETS and others)
- computer office implementing couple sustainable projects (
- healing, martial arts and meditation spaces
- some nice mysterious others including your ideas ;-)

Space welcomes any other socially crucial projects…

All the projects will try to be the matrixes, which we hope to present on European Social Forum ( ; ).
Viva Revolucione!
From Kazachstan reports Abracadabra

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Display the following 15 comments

  1. P>S> — Arrow
  2. silly question perhaps, but... — stu
  3. Use your loaf — H.
  4. ????? — no body in particular
  5. Back off nobody — earthstarchild
  6. Ommiing — H.
  7. om for world peace — moonrock anenome supernova afterbirth
  8. Fair enough question — Alice
  9. just what we need, another drain for dossers — cynic
  10. Organism will develope wherever you need — Arrow
  11. Multi-personality disorder — H.
  12. All is good — Arrow
  13. God help us — H.
  14. Hippist — Stu
  15. of course open space open now — Arrow