UK Newswire Archive
Rushmoor Returning Officer mired in scandal
23-01-2006 16:38
Following his appearance on the leaflet of one of the candidates in an Aldershot by-election, there has been calls in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor for the council chief executive Andrew Lloyd to stand down as Returning Officer.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Jean Charles remembered by hundreds at Stockwell vigil.
23-01-2006 15:54

Corporate Watch report shows: Even IT industry doesn't trust ID cards
23-01-2006 15:37
Corporate Watch scrutinises the companies angling to be involved in implementing the ID cards scheme if it becomes law, and looks at what IT industry insiders have said about ID card technology and the planned National Identity RegisterCall out for National Day of Action to Defend Council Housing – 08/02/06
23-01-2006 15:25
Privatisation has been sweeping the UK and attacking the working class and the downtrodden for years. Housing, Transport, Hospitals, Gas, Schools and water are just part of an ever growing list of services and resources which have been sold off by the state to marauding capitalist groups.Muslim Festival bans gay Muslims
23-01-2006 14:49
Festival of Muslim Cultures says gay Muslims “give offence” and bans gay Muslim exibits or participation in festival.Anti Roads resistance continues at Dalkeith protest site
23-01-2006 13:47
Monday morning sees the Dalkeith anti road protestors still occuppying the main protest site, with all the tree houses and tunnels intact. Spirits have been boosted by the many picnicers who visited the site on Saturday, showing their solidarity with the battle to stop the A68 by-pass being put through the beautiful park south of Edinburgh.Despite seven days of eviction attempts by the specialist National Eviction Team and police, the spectacular tree houses and aerial constructions still tower into the sky by the River Esk. Today Monday 23rd an assault is expected on this main camp, bottom site.
Bricxk Lane London E1 Area ultimatum to Tower Hamlets Council on Crossrail hole
23-01-2006 12:58
The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign was supported by more than a thousand people last night who turned up to attend the KHOODEELAAR campaign meeting held in the Hanbury Street to say no to the Crossrail hole Bill now in the UK House of Commons. The campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill gave a most emphatic democratic ultimatum to the controlling group on the local Tower Hamlets Council to represent the community’s opposition to the Crossrail hole scheme.The community demand was the implementation of the first
23-01-2006 12:27

Fascist Leader Attacked
23-01-2006 10:02
BPP leader Eddy Morrison claims to have been attacked by antifascists."Dirty Money" is the Foundation of U.S. Growth and Empire
23-01-2006 08:39
"Without the "dirty money" the U.S. economy external accounts would be totally unsustainable, living standards would plummet, the dollar would weaken, the available investment and loan capital would shrink and Washington would not be able to sustain its global empire."show, lies & politics
23-01-2006 08:38
OPEN LETTER TO HAROLD PINTERIt's in spanish, sorry, but I come from the third world.
Bin Laden Backfire
23-01-2006 05:13
US ‘intelligence’ agencies now realise the ‘Bin Laden’ tape has been a huge flop and the effect has been the reverse of that anticipated. It has also proven to be a monumental liability as people around the globe are now questioning the veracity of all allegations relating to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda; Howard and Blair beware, even the Arabs are questioning their ideological base. Well done Semitic ideologues, neo-cons and Straussians. External attacks are unnecessary, you are doing an excellent job on yourselves – no help needed or wanted!The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East
23-01-2006 00:41
Iran and Israel: Ambiguous Nuclear WeaponsAt present, there is only one country in the Middle East with "secret" and ambiguous stockpiles of nuclear weapons.
(full references and links at bottom)
The Youth Camp Radio
23-01-2006 00:37

This is it !!! Broadway market Eviction very likely Monday am
23-01-2006 00:03
All the signs are pointing to the posibility of an eviction Monday am of the community occupied cafe in Broadway market Hackney. Come and support the struggle against the gentrification and homogonisation of our communities.WSF reflections
22-01-2006 22:46

Police stops March on French embassy
22-01-2006 21:47