Rhythms & Noise
earplugs | 30.06.2005 13:07 | Culture | Birmingham | London
Those of you who missed the gig at the rampART last night missed a real treat. While somewhat disorganised to say the least, the first performance on their UK tour up to Scotland by Infernal Noise Brigade, Filastine and The Lost Film FesT was undoubtedly well worth braving the tropical heat in the pack rampART hall. Joining the US marching band for this gig only were Londons own Rhthyms of Resistance who gave a spirited performance, pretty much the best I've ever heard them. Many people were looking forward to experiencing some kind of 'battle of the band' or back to back dual between the Rhthyms and INB but the way it turned out was simply two sets with a break in between. It would have been awsome to have had both bands play together - perhaps something for Scotland?
The rampART was packed and hot as hell with people spilling out into the street and the roof garden to catch some air and cool off. Thankfully there was food and cold drink to hand throughout the night. By the time it ended, the floor was soaking wet, not from spilled beer but from the sweat dripping from the performers.
If you get the chance, catch one of their gigs on the way up north. You can also support their expenses as they travel to Scotland on the (10 mpg) Big Red Bus of Human Shields to Bahgdad fame - costing a cool £200 per day to hire.
The rampART was packed and hot as hell with people spilling out into the street and the roof garden to catch some air and cool off. Thankfully there was food and cold drink to hand throughout the night. By the time it ended, the floor was soaking wet, not from spilled beer but from the sweat dripping from the performers.
If you get the chance, catch one of their gigs on the way up north. You can also support their expenses as they travel to Scotland on the (10 mpg) Big Red Bus of Human Shields to Bahgdad fame - costing a cool £200 per day to hire.
The next gig is TONIGHT (Thursday 30th) at Decoy in Birmingham.
On Friday (1st July) they will be in Nottingham at the brilliant Sumac Centre.
After that they will be in Scotland for the Big G8 Demo in Edinburgh on Saturday 2nd then Glasgow at Bar Bloc [Lost Film Fest only].
During the G8 they will be around Gleneagles (Rural Encampment)
After the G8 you can catch them in Leeds at The Common Place on the 10th and Exeter Cavern Club on the 11th and Brighton wicked Cowley Club on the 12th.
for full details)
On Friday (1st July) they will be in Nottingham at the brilliant Sumac Centre.
After that they will be in Scotland for the Big G8 Demo in Edinburgh on Saturday 2nd then Glasgow at Bar Bloc [Lost Film Fest only].
During the G8 they will be around Gleneagles (Rural Encampment)
After the G8 you can catch them in Leeds at The Common Place on the 10th and Exeter Cavern Club on the 11th and Brighton wicked Cowley Club on the 12th.

for full details)