Sheffield peace events/meetings
Jase | 11.11.2004 14:32 | Sheffield
Forthcoming anti-war events in Sheffield, mainly Sheffield Stop the War Coalition stuff so not comprehensive.
1. Al Asria dance tour postponed
2. Friday 12th Nov - Naming the Dead
3. Friday 12th Nov - Talk on the Ministry of Peace
4. Tuesday 23rd Nov - 'What Next for Iraq?' Public Meeting
5. Wednesday 24th Nov - Sheffield STW Open Meeting
6. Saturday 27th Nov - UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
7. Saturday 11th Dec - Bring the Troops Home for Christmas
1. Al Asria dance tour postponed
Sadly the Al Asria dance tour has been postponed till a later date, possibly in February. Israel has closed the borders of Gaza and the children have not been allowed to travel. There will still be an event on November 20th venue and further details will be announced later (see
2. Friday 12th Nov - Naming the Dead
Occupation forces do not keep a record of those they kill in Iraq, officials are quick to gloss over the soldiers ground to dust by the war machine, but for others the dead are loved ones whose memory will always live on. In solidarity with them speakers from trades unions, religious groups, political representatives and many others will read the names of some of those killed by the twisted governance of George Bush and Tony Blair.
Please bring a candle or torch to shine a light for those who have died in darkness.
From 4:30pm, outside the Town Hall, Sheffield
3. Friday 12th Nov - Talk on the Ministry of Peace
Talk by Diana Basterfield about the Ministry of Peace and how we can support the development of a culture of peace. For more info contact
7:30pm Scotia Works, Leadmill Road, Sheffield.
4. Tuesday 23rd November - 'What Next for Iraq?' Public Meeting
George Bush has won the US elections. What will this mean for the people of Iraq? Alan Simpson MP and Tom Whitaker from the NUS nec will be amongst the speakers at a public meeting hosted by Sheffield University Stop the War Coalition to discuss this issue. Everyone is welcome to this meeting (not just
students!) for more information call George on 07751307200.
7pm Lecture Theatre 7, The Hicks Building (Hounsfield Road off Glossop Rd), Sheffield University
5. Wednesday 24th November - Sheffield STW Open Meeting
Open planning meeting for the December protest. Also for everyone to get together and find out what people are doing in the local groups and what ideas people have. If you are in contact with a group, either local stop the war or a union group or other affiliated group then please come along, or ask if someone from the group would! If you just want to find out what is happening or have an idea then you are also ALL WELCOME.
7:30pm St Matthews Rooms, Carver St (just up from the fire station, down from Division St)
6. Saturday 27th November - UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
A vigil organised by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign will be held at Sheffield Town Hall, 12-2pm.
7. Saturday 11th December - Bring the Troops Home for Christmas
Send an Christmas card to Tony Blair, mass signing in town. Meet 12pm outside the Town Hall.
2. Friday 12th Nov - Naming the Dead
3. Friday 12th Nov - Talk on the Ministry of Peace
4. Tuesday 23rd Nov - 'What Next for Iraq?' Public Meeting
5. Wednesday 24th Nov - Sheffield STW Open Meeting
6. Saturday 27th Nov - UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
7. Saturday 11th Dec - Bring the Troops Home for Christmas
1. Al Asria dance tour postponed
Sadly the Al Asria dance tour has been postponed till a later date, possibly in February. Israel has closed the borders of Gaza and the children have not been allowed to travel. There will still be an event on November 20th venue and further details will be announced later (see
2. Friday 12th Nov - Naming the Dead
Occupation forces do not keep a record of those they kill in Iraq, officials are quick to gloss over the soldiers ground to dust by the war machine, but for others the dead are loved ones whose memory will always live on. In solidarity with them speakers from trades unions, religious groups, political representatives and many others will read the names of some of those killed by the twisted governance of George Bush and Tony Blair.
Please bring a candle or torch to shine a light for those who have died in darkness.
From 4:30pm, outside the Town Hall, Sheffield
3. Friday 12th Nov - Talk on the Ministry of Peace
Talk by Diana Basterfield about the Ministry of Peace and how we can support the development of a culture of peace. For more info contact

7:30pm Scotia Works, Leadmill Road, Sheffield.
4. Tuesday 23rd November - 'What Next for Iraq?' Public Meeting
George Bush has won the US elections. What will this mean for the people of Iraq? Alan Simpson MP and Tom Whitaker from the NUS nec will be amongst the speakers at a public meeting hosted by Sheffield University Stop the War Coalition to discuss this issue. Everyone is welcome to this meeting (not just
students!) for more information call George on 07751307200.
7pm Lecture Theatre 7, The Hicks Building (Hounsfield Road off Glossop Rd), Sheffield University
5. Wednesday 24th November - Sheffield STW Open Meeting
Open planning meeting for the December protest. Also for everyone to get together and find out what people are doing in the local groups and what ideas people have. If you are in contact with a group, either local stop the war or a union group or other affiliated group then please come along, or ask if someone from the group would! If you just want to find out what is happening or have an idea then you are also ALL WELCOME.
7:30pm St Matthews Rooms, Carver St (just up from the fire station, down from Division St)
6. Saturday 27th November - UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
A vigil organised by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign will be held at Sheffield Town Hall, 12-2pm.
7. Saturday 11th December - Bring the Troops Home for Christmas
Send an Christmas card to Tony Blair, mass signing in town. Meet 12pm outside the Town Hall.