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More pics of 18th March march

Shilpa | 25.03.2006 19:32 | March 18 Anti War Protest | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Cambridge

It's a bit late but I finally managed to upload my pics and thought these were worth sharing, especially as Camera Boy's camera (see ealrier post) broke packed up halfway through.

100,000 drops of 'blood'
100,000 drops of 'blood'

The electronic petition counter-early in the day!
The electronic petition counter-early in the day!

Babies against Bush and Bliar
Babies against Bush and Bliar

Trafalgar Square 1
Trafalgar Square 1

T Square 2
T Square 2

T square 3
T square 3

T Square 4
T Square 4

T Square 5
T Square 5

Poignant poster
Poignant poster

T Square 6
T Square 6

(This is the first time I've put pics up here, so apologies if they're not in the correct format)



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